Road to Civil War

By zeam19
  • First Slaves in America

    Start of Slave culture
  • Invention of Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin allowed southerners to grind out cotton like never before so slavery increased and so did the hate of it
  • Industrial Revolution

    Northerners held much power and made most goods, southerners resented this
  • Free slaves

    Free African Americans defied what southerners said and did
  • Tariff on Goods from Europe

    Southerners had to buy more things from north
  • Missouri Compromise

    Defines were slave states are and keeps fragile balance, if broken the it is bad
  • New England Anti-Slavery Society

  • Frederick Douglas

    Escaped slave Douglas tells of horrors of slavery to northerners
  • Free Soil Party

    A new soon to be republican anti-slavery party
  • Texas Annexation

    Another slave state is added and tensions between north and south increase
  • Mexican-American War

    More states are added and more conflict to which side they will ally with, slave or industrial?

    Political, Economic, Religious, Social, International, Artistic
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Makes northerners take slaves back to south, they hate this and despise south more
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Book about slave life, appalled Northerners
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Fighting breaks out on if Kansas will be free or slave
  • Election of 1856

    Southerners were getting nervous about the Norths influence as the against slavery Republicans won 1/3 of the popular vote without any southern support
  • Dred Scott Case

    Supreme Court rules that outlawing slavery is illegal
  • Harpers Ferry

    John Brown attacks an armory to start a slave rebellion, South is appalled and think that northerners will take to violence
  • Execution of John Brown

    Brown was a freedom fighter and was praised by the North. The south on the other hand was shocked and thought that Northerners were now on a mission to destroy slavery.
  • Election of 1860

    Abraham Lincoln is elected with no southern support, southerners feel powerless in government
  • South Secedes

    The southern states break away and form the Confederate States of America, we are now at the brink
  • Complications in Seceding

    South began to seize forts and Abraham Lincoln was split between war or letting the south be a free nation. Union didn't except the seceding overall.
  • Fort Sumter Bombardment

    South takes Sumter by force after they refuse to give up. South wanted Sumter because it controlled a waterway. 2 men died.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    North declares war after Sumter is attacked. Civil war lasts 5 years with 620,000 deaths on the field. North wins.