Costa Rica

  • Sep 18, 1502

    Discovery of Costa Rica

    Christopher Columbus never really stepped foot on the area of Costa Rica, but one of his men he sailed with eventually stepped foot on the sand.
  • Period: Sep 18, 1502 to

    Costa Rica

  • Mar 30, 1539

    Made Official

    Costa Rica is finally used in the world and became offical
  • Costa Rica was describeed as poor.

    Costa Rica was described as "the poorest and most miserable Spanish colony in all America" by a Spanish governor in 1719.
  • Military

    Military rule has reared its head in Costa Rica from time to time, though it has not been marked by the sort of violent extremism that has occurred elsewhere in Central America.
  • Civil war of Costa Rica

    The bloodiest event in Costa Rican history, nearly 2,000 people believed to have died. It lasted 44 days.
  • Costa Rican Predient Recognized for Nobel peace prize.

    In 1987, Costa Rican President Oscar Arias Sanchez garnered world recognition when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in ending the Nicaraguan civil war