Exposition 1-Characters
Liam is a 12- year old student who loves adventures.
Florida is a girl who is a dare-devil, also in middle school like liam, thet become good friends. -
Exposition 2- Setting
The setting of the story is Lake Shore Activity Center in Lake District, then the setting changes to Outer Space. -
Exposition 3-Background
Liam appears to everyone in his town, except for his parents and freind Florida that he is a 30-year old man because he is massively tall for a 12-year old and has facial hair.
Florida appears to be the daughter of Liam, so they become a team of tricking people to go on adventures. -
Rising Acion 1- The Conflict
Liam and his "daughter" Florida, are staring to attract the attention of people wanting them to go on adventures and do interesting things. -
Rising Action 2
Liam and Florida plan to go on their first adventure but hey are wondering, how are they going to be able to get Florida out of school. -
Rising Action 3
Liam comes up with an idea to get Florida out of school. They plan to have Liam come to the school and ask to get his "daughter" Florida from class. -
Rising Action 4
Liam and Florida succesfuly complete their first adventure. They both had a lot of fun during the adventure and will definately do it again. -
Rising action 5
Liam and Florida go on another adventure, but this time the plan does not go as well. They were almost caught and recongnized by Florida's actual parents. -
Risng Action 6
Liam and Florida are unsure about if they should just tell every one the truth or keep taking these fun but risky adventures -
Climax/Turning Point
Liam and Florida are still unsure wether to take another adventure. This hesitation suddenly ends when the oppurtunity of a life time arrives on their door step. They have been offered to go to space in a space shuttle. -
Falling Action 1
Liam and Florida find out that their is one major problem with the trip, the space shuttle leaves Earth from China. -
Falling Action 2
Liam and Florida plan to tell their parents that there school is going on a 3 week long achool trip to The Lakeshore Activity Center. this solves one problem that they face, but how are they going to to be able to get to China is their next issue. -
Falling Action 3
The huge problem has now been solved, because they have been imformed that this "Father to Daughter" contest that they won, pays for the travel to China. -
Falling Action 4
Liam and Florida arrive in China and are about to go on the space shuttle. -
Falling Action 5
Once Liam and Florida get into space, they find out that going out in space is not all that it makes out to be. They are not really sure what they can do, they just want to go home. -
Resolution 1
Liam decides that it is time for them to go home, they plan contact their parents, so that they can help them. -
Resolution 2
The day arrives when Liam contacts his parents, and begs them to help him get home. -
Resolution 3
Liam and Florida come back to Earth after their trip ends earlier than usual. -
Resolution 3
Liam and Florida arrive back home to the U.S.A where they both are punished but that was worth it they say. They are both going back to school.