1930: Modern Antibiotics & Anestetics Created
Rats, rabbits, dogs, cats, horses, monkeys, guinea pigs, and mice were all subject to testing in the 1930's. Modern anesthetics,Tetanus and Diphtheria vaccines, and Anticoagulants were all created in this time period thanks to animal testing. These are great accomplishments that saved lives and made people better, however, at that time we didn't have the technological advantage that we do today. Today, animal testing is outdated. -
1944: Animal Abuse Becomes #1
This is the sad point in time where animal testing emerged as the best thing out there. Skin irritancy and draize eye tests were not only developed, but helped animal testing become the number one cosmetic safety assessment procedure. -
2000: California Makes a Change!
California made a statement and set an example for all the other states by passing a law that required companies to use alternative testing other then animal testing! This was a milestone because they lead by example. -
2007: Israel Joins the Change
In 2007, Israel banned animal testing. This stood out to me due to the fact that other countries were recognizing that animal testing is not right, especially a country known to be very aggressive. -
2014: PETA
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, more commonly known as PETAreally emerged in this time period to fight against the abuse and mistreatment of animals. PETA serves as as voice for the animals that can't speak for themselves! -
2015: Alternative methods approved
The OECD approved more non-animal tests which are alternatives for animal testing. -
2015: Harvard Puts Their Foot Down
The Harvard Medical School announced that they would be closing down their Primate Research Center, due to some animals being mistreated. -
2016: Countries begin to ban Cosmetic Animal Testing
Countries are finally begining to make a change. The Ethical Cosmetics Bill was just introduced in Australia which ends the production and sale of cosmetics that were made with animal tested ingredients. Also, the Swiss government has announced that they are looking into ban the sale of cosmetics that have been tested on animals. Finally, Taiwan has recently banned cosmetic animal testing.