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  • The first recent cases

    The first recent cases
    The first case was in China a person caught the deadly virus and went to the hospital after it spread to more people it happened a couple weeks ago it's believed it came from a garage looking shop in Wuhan
  • First American Case

    First American Case
    A person in America catches the virus and goes to the hospital and gets diagnosed
  • Advancements

    It's found out that the virus can apparently spread before showing symptoms but some doctors have mixed opinions more cases are caught in China and America and even some other countries
  • Planes

    Airlines ask for people to reconsider their trip to China if they can because china being the source many people have died there now to the deadly Corona Virus
  • State of Emergency

    State of Emergency
    State of emergency declared as death toll rises and cases are spreading doctors still trying to figure out the virus and maybe make a vaccine
  • Evacuations

    AMericans in China are evacuated by plane back to the states in hope for them to escape the Virus
  • Evac

    People who got off the evac cargo plane holding 195 American people brought from Wuhan were mte by people in hazmat suits Person in china with fever was kept away from the plane
  • Potential treatments

    Potential treatments
    Experimental vaccines are planned to be tested on human subjects with corona in Wuhan China to hopefully fight off the virus and may even lead to a vaccine but it's said that could take years and all thats if the treatment works at all
  • Business sufers

    Business sufers
    with people scared of the Virus places the China tourism industry are losing money along with airlines due to cancelled flights
  • UK

    UK confirms cases as outbreak spreads they caution to constantly wash your hands and if you develop flu like symptoms to go to a hospital Immediately
  • Picture for timespan

    Picture for timespan
  • More cases

    More cases
    The Virus was caught by more people who eventually also went to the hospital and were diagnosed in Wuhan China
  • Virus kills

    Virus kills
    People in Wuhan who were exposed to the virus and caught it begin dying
  • Airport screening and masks

    Airport screening and masks
    Airport's begin screening people by checking their temp as doctors try to find out more about the virus in China and America
  • Death toll raises

    Death toll raises
    People in China are dying as many more people catch the virus and a outbreak starts 5 more American cases happen
  • Period: to

    the future

    It can go either way a treatment can be discovered early or he next 5 ears can be terrible with not much known about the virus right now and how fast its spreading it could be an epidemic with many deaths going forward