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Corexit History

By kbourne
  • Santa Barbara Well Blowout

    Location: Santa Barbara, California
    Corexit was used alongside Polycomplex A in order to disperse oil up to 2 miles away from shore.
  • Hamilton Trader

    Location: Liverpool Bay, England
    Corexit 7664 was used to break up thin oil slicks.
  • Arrow

    Location: Novia Scotia, Canada
    Corexit 8666 was applied in large quantities to oil slicks.
  • Shell Platform 26

    Location: Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana
    Corexit 7664 was applied to the spill at a rate of 3 barrels per hour for the purpose of preventing oil slicks from forming around the platform.
  • Rockaway Fuel Oil Spill

    Location: Rockaway Point, New York
    Corexit 9527 was applied to the spill using Coast Guard and Waterways boats under supervision of the EPA.

    Location: Bahia de Campeche, Mexico
    493 aerial missions were conducted in order to apply Corexit to 1,100 square miles of oil slick.
  • Sea Speed Arabia

    Location: New York Upper Harbor, New york
    Corexit was effective in dispersing an oil slick near Staton Island.
  • Alvenus

    Location: Calcasleu River bar channel, 11 miles southeast of Cameron Louisisana
    A small amount of Corexit 9527 was applied to a stranded seawall and effectively reduced the concentration of poly aromatic hydrocarbons around the area.
  • Puerto Rican Oil Spill

    Location: San Franscisco Bay, California
    1,958 gallons of Corexit 9527 was used on 413 acres of the main spill.
  • Texaco Storage Tank

    Location: Bahia Las Minas, Panama
    132 barrels of Corexit 9527 were applied by aircraft to several areas, but it seemed to be ineffective due to the weathered state of the oil and lack of turbulence where the dispersant was applied.
  • Pac Baroness

    Location: 12 miles southwest of Point Conception, California
    100 gallons of Corexit was used to disperse a portion of the oil spill with an area of approximately 20 acres. There was a second application as well of 250 gallons onto windrows of oil near San Miguel Island.
  • Cabo Pilar

    Location: Punta Davis, Chile
    Over 500 gallons of Corexit 9527 was used to treat oil off the coast of Chile. Studies showed that the dispersants did not affect marine resources.
  • Exxon Valdez

    Location: Bligh Reef, Prince William Sound, Alaska
    A large scale test was conducted to determine if Corexit 9580 should be used to clean the shorelines affected by the spill. It was only recommended for use on the Smith Island due to possible ecological effects elsewhere.
  • Mega Borg

    Location: Gulf of Mexico
    In June of that year, Corexit 9527 was applied to a portion of the oil slick in the Gulf, using a total of 11,300 gallons of dispersant.
  • Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

    Location: Gulf of Mexico
    1.84 million gallons of Corexit was used along with skimmer ships, floating booms, and controlled burns.
  • Rena Oil Spill

    Location: Tauranga, New Zealand
    Maritime New Zealand used Corexit 9500 to break up oil slicks on the Astrolabe Reef.