01 sema 2010 corvettes press


By 1052625
  • Corvette

    From 1968 to 2016 the Corvette has changed alot. The Corvette was made alot cooler because it looks cleaner. It was made shorter but a little longer and a whole lot cooler. I like the newer version than the older version.
  • 1978 Corvette

    1978 Corvette
    the Corvette changed alot. The hood got longer and the back got shorter. The 1978 Corvette is pretty nice but not as nice as the 2016. The wheel cover is raised unlike the 1968.
  • 1980

    The 1980 Corvette didn't change at all from 1978. the corvette model is pretty nice. The 1980 corvette is not as nice as 2016 but it is pretty cool.
  • 1990 Corvette

    1990 Corvette
    The 1990 corvette changed alot from 1980 it is looking pretty cool and changed alot from the other models. It looks almost alot like the 2016 but it almost is one one the coolest but not one of my favorite.
  • 2013 Corvette

    2013 Corvette
    The 2013 Corvette is just like the 2016 but not as much detail went into the car. the car is nice but the newer one has a whole lot more detail.
  • 2016 Corvette

    2016 Corvette
    The 2016 Corvette is one of the coolest cars out of the corvette models. It has the most detail and it is just an insane car. I personaly love the car. It just looks cool and it is fast. I like fast cars espically the corvette.