Screenshot 2022 05 01 224104

Israel-Palestine Border

  • Israel Independence

    Israel Independence
    The UN votes to partition Palestine into two states. The Arab people of Palestine and the surrounding nations rejected the plan. Israel became in independent state despite their wishes. This is the beginning and the foundation of the border and conflict between Israel and Palestine.
  • First War

    First War
    this war goes under many names depending on where it is taught, The day after Israel was declared as an independent state, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, and Jordon invade Israel. This was the start of a long running conflict between Israel and its surrounding countries.
  • Israel Independence War Ends

    Israel Independence War Ends
    The Israel independence war ends and a ceasefire reached and in the agreement the West Bank would become part of Jordan, and the Gaza Strip would become part of Egypt. This was not the end of all conflict between Israel and it's neighbors. Israel losing the West Bank and Gaza Strip only developed the border between them, Palestine, and the other surrounding countries even more. With these borders established as previously hostile, it provided tension needed to fuel fires of later conflicts.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser planned to take control of the Suez Canal. The Suez Canal is a vital waterway flowing across the Mediterranean sea and red sea. Israel, along with Britain and France attacked Egypt in an attempt to regain the canal. In the end Israel was able to retake the Suez Canal. After being threatened with sanctions, Israel removed it's troops from Egypt.
  • 6 day war

    6 day war
    Egypt, Jordan, and Syria launched a surprise attack against Israel. In only 6 days Israel was able to drive them back and end the war. In the process Israel took over the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Golan Heights. These now became Israel occupied territories. With this victory Israel took over the holy city of Jerusalem from Jordan. Israel stated that the West Bank, Gaza, and Golan Heights would be returned if the countries recognized Israel's right to exist. The bordering countries all refused.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    On the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, Egypt and Syria invaded Israel. After the 6 day war Israel was in control of 4 times as much land as before. In an attempt to reclaim the land, Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack against Israel. This war lead to the first peace treaty involving Israel in the middle east. Israel and Egypt made peace in return for Egypt reclaiming the Sinai Peninsula. Israel ended up gaining more control over land in the Golan Heights and territory in Syria.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    This was the official signing of the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. This was the first step towards peace with Israel's other neighbors as well. Most importantly, It allowed for Gaza and the West Bank to be independently governed under Palestine. This was the first time that Palestine would be self governed.
  • First Antifada

    First Antifada
    Antifada is Arabic for "shaking off". This was the first of two movements directed at ending the Israeli occupation in Gaza and the West Bank. In years prior to this war Israel was increasing the amount of Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territory. At the same time it was pushing out Palestinians that were already living there. It started by protesting the Lebanon war but progressed into riots. There was 2000 Palestinian deaths
  • Oslo I

    Oslo I
    The aim of the Oslo I accord was to establish Israel and Palestine's right to exist in peace. After such a hard border has been established between Palestine and Israel, this was the first attempt to soften the border. Palestine would have an established authority and governing body take responsibilities of the West Bank and Gaza over 5 years.
  • Oslo II

    Oslo II
    The aim of Oslo II was to solidify plans for elections and civil/legal affairs in Palestine. It also set forward and completed Israel's withdrawal from Gaza. Similar to Oslo I Israel seems to be building up a foundation for a common between Israel and Palestine. Following this, the Israeli prime minister responsible for Oslo was assassinated. The new prime minister elected had opposed the Palestinian statehood. At this point negotiations for an independent Palestine halted.
  • Barrier wall construction around West Bank

    Barrier wall construction around West Bank
    Israel attempts to construct a barrier wall to reinforce the border between the West Bank. This causes the two cultures to be more separated and hostile towards the other. Israel in an attempt to keep Palestinians out of their land and to suppress them, only causes more issues and riots.
  • Breaking The Silence

    Breaking The Silence
    Breaking the Silence is an activist group attempting to expose the injustices Israel has made against Palestine and it's people. It shows the reality of what an Israeli military rule over Palestine is like. They take in past Israeli military officers to share their stories and harsh realities of what goes on.
    Link text
  • 2nd Antifada

    2nd Antifada
    Following the assassination of the Israeli prime minister by Hamas. Hamas pushed for an independent Islamic state in the form of Palestine. Israel continued to push Palestinians out with Israeli settlements. Protests and riots resumed as a 2nd antifada. Over the period of 5 years more than 4,300 Palestinians had died.
  • Hamas takes power of Gaza

    Hamas takes power of Gaza
    After the lack of progress in negotiations with Israel, many Palestinians start turning towards Hamas. Hamas is elected and took power of Gaza. With Israel recognizing Hamas as a terrorist organization the physical border between Israel and Gaza specifically gets more militarized and difficult to cross. The divide between Israeli people and Palestinians continues to grow as the stigma against Gaza gets worse and worse.
  • Pegasus Spyware developed

    Pegasus Spyware developed
    Only meant for Criminal and national security investigations and has an industry leading approach to human rights. Although this was the advertised intended purpose, Politicians and Governments used the program to oppress and silence activists and journalists.
  • Summer conflict between Hamas and Israel

    Summer conflict between Hamas and Israel
    73 Israeli killed 2251 Palestinians killed
  • The Discovery of Pegasus Spyware

    The Pegasus malware was discovered when an Arab human rights defender. The activist Ahmed Mansoor received a text about secret torture in prisons. He sent the link to the University of Toronto which discovered the link would jailbreak the phone and collected all communications from it.
  • Weekly Protests at Gaza Strip

    Weekly Protests at Gaza Strip
    183 killed, 6000 wounded from live ammunition
  • Blue Wolf Program

    Blue Wolf Program
    Blue wolf is a mass surveillance program that uses facial recognition software to inform Israeli military about whether someone is innocent, to detain them, or to arrest them. In order to create a database for this program soldiers took pictures of thousand of citizens including the elderly and children. They were incentivized with prizes awarded to which groups took the most pictures.