
CopyRight Timeline

  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to


  • Jan 1, 1440

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
    With the printing press, writing became a broadcast medium. Content such as intellectual property, books, articles were all subject to plagiarism and copyright infringement.
  • The Statute of Anne

    The Statute of Anne
    This is the first copyright act in the world. Stated that each author or created had thr right to their own creation and prevented copying from others.
  • Invention of the Record Player

    Invention of the Record Player
    Invented by Thomas Edison, also know as the phonograph. Wax discs were used to play and record sound. This was the beginning to recording music and media.
  • Invention of Film

    Invention of Film
    The wrold's earliest film projections came out in 1988. The visual basis of film gives it a universal power of communication and spreads the art for world wide.
  • Invention of Radio Station

    Invention of Radio Station
    The first public broadcast was in 1922 in Pittsburgh. Radio provided a cheap and simple way of spreading information and ideas.
  • 1923 US copyright Laws

    1923 US copyright Laws
    What was in the public domain in the U.S. as of 1 January 2013 ... 1923 through 1977 .... Not protected by US copyright law until they become party to bilateral or international copyright agreements.
  • 1978 Copyright Law Changed

    1978 Copyright Law Changed
    The Copyright Act of 1976 is a United States copyright law and remains the primary basis of copyright law in the United States, as amended by several later enacted copyright provisions. The Act spells out the basic rights of copyright holders, codified the doctrine of "fair use," and for most new copyrights adopted a unitary term based on the date of the author's death rather than the prior scheme of fixed initial and renewal terms. Went into affect in 1978
  • First Patent on a Living Being

    First Patent on a Living Being
    The first patent for a living being is awarded to Ananda Chakrabarty. It was awarded for her genetically engineered bacteria. she designed the bacteria to eat away at the oil. This was the first time that people thought of claiming a living being as an intellectual property.