10,000 BCE
Young Earth creation theory
The theory was proposed in multiple religious scriptures written in Bible, detailing that God created the Earth in 10,000 years. This theory is accepted by around 40% of Christians today. -
2000 BCE
Mayan creation theory
The Mayans believed the Earth was created by multiple deities who merely brought the Earth out of the sea. They wanted something that could record history, so humans were made out of corn. There's no figures on the percentage of believers, but considering the obscurity of the data, it's safe to say not many people believe in it. -
Big Bang theory
The Big Bang theory is the idea that the Earth was created through a large explosion and then inflated. This theory was proposed by Georges Lemaître. This is a universally accepted theory at this point. -
Steady state theory
The steady state theory presents the idea that the universe is constantly expanding, but maintaining the same density. This theory was popularized by cosmologists, Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Fred Hoyle in 1948. -
Multiverse theory
The multi-verse theory is the idea that there are infinite amount of universes, each spawned from a different decision by a different person. The first academic papers created by this theory were by Ewan Schrödinger in 1952. it is one of the most popular creation theories out there. -
Cosmic inflation
Cosmic inflation is the idea that the universe has been constantly expanding and inflating since the Big Bang. This was first proposed by physicist Alan Guth in 1979. -
Eternal inflation theory
Eternal inflation is the theory that the universe will never stop inflating, because the inflation will outweigh the time spent where universes are colliding against one another and taking up space. Paul Steinhardt was the first man to propose this theory in 1983.