Cool stuff

  • Internet for Social Media

    Internet for Social Media
    I'm not sure when a computer was incorporated into our household. But I know when I started to use the internet frequently. It was to access Club Penguin. I will call this my first taste of social media, as you were able to talk to other kids and read the Club Penguin news (ex: "Breaking news! There's a rogue polar bear on the island! Watch out!).
  • Smartphone

    The 2010's had the rapid rise of smartphones. I was no exception to their influence, getting an iphone5 in 2016 when I entered high school. With instant information and social media being prevalent, life after wasn't the same.
  • Music Streaming

    Music Streaming
    I started to explore different music tastes at this time. Streaming services like Spotify really made it easy to find new music. Though I still collect some cd's, I'm not limited to what songs I can hear. And it's easy to collaborate with other people to make a playlist together. I have a playlist where friends in other states and I recommend songs to each other.
  • Java

    I took CPSC220 and learned Java in the fall of 2020. Though this was the second programming language I learned, I became very comfortable with Java. At this time I became more confident in my skills and started to look at compsci for my future.
  • Matlab

    In the summer of 2022, I had a physics internship where I used Matlab to analyze data gathered from a coulomb explosion experiment (shot molecules with a laser to break it up). With this software, I was able to reconstruct the geometry of the molecule from the blasted fragments that we collected. Because of this fun experience, I'm now thinking of continuing this research for grad school.