Cooks First NZ Encounter

  • Period: to

    relevant time

  • Cooks first landing & encounter with maori

    Cook landed near Hawkes bay & spotted a group of Maori he went to greet them. As he was walking away from his small landing vessel he heard a gun shot he ran back to see one of his sailors had killed a maori man who threatened them.
  • Second Encounter

    100 Maori warriors came down the beach & were going to fight the sailors & attempt to take control of the HMS Endeavour. But a great Tahitian man that joined them on their adventure was able to communicate & get them to settle down.
  • Captain Cooks Third Encounter

    Word had spread fast along the coast of the firepower the Europeans possessed & of the great Tahitian man onboard. When Captain Cook & the HMS Endeavour reached the bay of islands the Maori came out in their canoes to greet them. This was Captain Cooks first peaceful encounter & was able to trade & restock the ship.
  • Mapping

    Cook went around NZ mapping all along the way & rounding Stewart Island to make sure it was not connected to the fabled great southern continent.
  • Treaty of Waitangi

    Treaty of Waitangi is signed.