Alfred Binet's Intelligence Test published
Ivan Pavlov published the first studies on classical conditioning
Edward thondike published first article on animal intelligence leading to theory of operant conditioning.
Alfred Adler forms his own school of thought.
Alfred Addler forms his own school of thought. -
John B watson and rosaline Rayner published the little Albert experiments, demonstrtaing that fear could be classically conditioned.
Wolfang Kohler published the Mentality of Apes which became major component of Gestalt Psychology
Walter B Cannon coined the term homeostasis and began research on the fight or flight phenomenon
Egas Moniz published his work on frontal lobotomies as a treatment for mental illness.
Carl Rogers published "Counselling and Psychotherapy" suggesting that respect and non-judgemental approach to therapy is the foundation for effective treatment of mental health issues.
B.F skinner outlined behavioral therapy. lending support for behavioral psychology via research in literature
Carl Rogers published " On Becoming a person", making powerful change in how treatment for mental health issues is conducted
President George W. Bush promotes legislation that would gurantee comprehensive mental health coverage.