contributions to the internet

By pyperrr
  • the first virus

    the first virus
    the tobacco mostic virus
  • packet-switching concept

    packet-switching concept
    Paul Baran
  • first wide-area network

    first wide-area network
    the u.s. air force
  • Advanced Research Projects Agency

    Advanced Research Projects Agency
    president Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • the modem

    the modem
    by Brent Townshend
  • Apple founded

    Apple founded
  • IBM launch the personal computer

    IBM launch the personal computer
  • the first emoticon

    the first emoticon
    Scott E. Fahlman
  • Internet invented

    Internet invented
    by Bib Kahn and Vint Cerf
  • the first worm created

    the first worm created
  • the World Wide Web

    the World Wide Web
    Tim Berners- Lee
  • the Michelangelo virus

    the Michelangelo virus
  • Mosaic web browser

    Mosaic web browser
  • Yahoo founded

    Yahoo founded
  • Internet Explorer launched

    Internet Explorer launched
    by Microsoft
  • Amazon and eBay was founded

    Amazon and eBay was founded
    amazon was found in 1994, ebay was founded in 1995
  • AOL launch instant messenger

    AOL launch instant messenger
  • Google founded

    Google founded
  • Apple launch iTunes and Safari browsers

    Apple launch iTunes and Safari browsers
  • Facebook launched

    Facebook launched
    Mark Zuckerberg
  • the first mobile virus

    the first mobile virus
  • YouTube launched

    YouTube launched
    by Jawed Karim, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen
  • Apple launch the iPhone

    Apple launch the iPhone
  • Instagram and Pinterest launched

    Instagram and Pinterest launched
    Instagram launched in 2010
    pinterest launched in 2010
  • Skype
