Plants Found In Africa N. America and S. America
Geolosgist Edward Sues finds fossils of rhe same plant in South Africa South America Austrailia Antartica and India. -
Alfred Weneger
Geologist Alfred Wegener finds tiny rocks and the directions of grooves fromed by large glaciers scrapping across southern areas of Africa South America Austrailia Antartica and India. For this to make sense he concludes all continents were once one large continenet.m -
Alfread Wegener Finds Mountains In Argentina and SOutth Africa
Wegener Observes that a south American mountian Range in Argentina lines up with an ancients AFrican mountain range when the two continets are placed together. He wrote ¨It is just as if we were to refit the torn peices of a nnewspaper by matching their edges then check whether th elines ot he print ran smoothly across. If they do there is nothing left but to conclude that the pieces were in fact joined¨ -
Alexander Du Toit and rock LAyers
Alexander Du Toit obserbes rock laters in hte western coast of Africa in the folowing Sequence ; basalt rock , shale , coal , Glossopteris , rock w/ Mesosaurus fossils, and shale. He discovers an almost identical sequence of rock laters on the eastern coast of South America. -
Computers Match COasts of Africa and South AMerica.
Edward Bullard and a few colleagues matc the Coasts of South America and Africa. At an ocean depth of 1000 meters they match extremely well. -
Satalites Track Continents
Some time During the 1980s scientists launched satellites with laser precision to track continental drift, SHowing tha tconitnents drift around .8 inches per year.