Period: to
Stamp Act
This event is asymmetrical, because they protested. The Stamp Act was a tax passed by the British onto the colonists. It taxed paper goods that had the stamp on it. The colonists protested and rioted through the streets. The best way to rebel against it was to boycott all British goods. This worked and got the act repealed.https://www.history.org/history/teaching/classroom_plans.cfm -
Period: to
Boston Massacre
This event is asymmetrical, because the British responded with violence. There was a group of British soldiers in Boston. As they were there standing guard they were mocked and taunted. As the crowd became worse stuff was thrown at the guards. In all the commotion shots were fired. This resulted in five colonists dying at the hands of the British.http://www.bostonmassacre.net/timeline.htm -
Period: to
Tea Tax
This event is asymmetrical, because of how the colonists protested it. The British government was taxing the colonists on everything. This time they decide to put taxes on tea. So when the next shipment of tea came into Boston harbor they acted. The colonists dressed up as Indians and boarded the ship. Once they were on they took all the tea and dumped it into the harbor.www.bostonteapartyship.com/the-tea-act -
Period: to
Battles of Lexington and Concord
This event is asymmetrical, because the British snuck up on them. As tensions grew the redcoats came into Concord late at night. Paul Revere rode through the town warning people of the attack and to prepare. The minutemen were brought aware of this and ready to go. This battle started off the revolution. The British were forced to retreat. It was an important victory for the U.S. www.ducksters.com › History › American Revolution -
Period: to
Bunker's Hill
This event does have symmetry, because it was similar. The British knowing the Americans were low on ammunition that day at Bunker Hill decided to attack. The Americans waited until they were close before shooting at the British soldiers. After taking heavy damage the British soldiers forced hand to hand combat and forced the Americans to retreat. The Americans killed many British soldiers before they had to retreat. http://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/battle-of-bunker-hill -
Period: to
Common Sense
This event is asymmetrical, because of the radical beliefs of Thomas Paine. ''Common Sense'' is a pamphlet speaking on how the colonists felt about the British. Once this was published it swayed many colonists to support the fight against the British government. His very radical got everyone ready to be their own country.www.hobart.k12.in.us/gemedia/amrev/revwar/comsense.htm -
Period: to
Declaration of Independence
This event is asymmetrical, because it declares the colonists independence from the British. The Declaration of Independence is the document that makes the United States its own country. All the colonists leaders signed and was then shown to the king.www.constitutionfacts.com/us-declaration-of-independence/fascinating-facts -
Period: to
Continental Army wintering at Valley Forge
This event has symmetry, because both the British and the colonists were not fighting in the winter. The Americans were camped on one side of the Delaware river and the weather was getting to them. Sickness and disease was spreading. The army was sneaking across the river. The British were unprepared and drinking. The American army took advantage of this and attacked. It was an easy victory for them.https://www.nps.gov/vafo/index.htm -
Period: to
Battle Trenton/Princeton
This event is asymmetrical, because only the colonists won the battles. The U.S. crossed the Delaware river on Christmas day as they prepared for battle. In the Battle of Trenton Washington led the army to a victory, In a about a week another batter happens at Princeton. This also another victory for the U.S.www.britishbattles.com/battle-trenton.htm -
Period: to
Battle of Saratoga
This event has symmetry, because the British won one and battle and the colonists won one. The British army led by General Burgoyne attacked the U.S. at Saratoga. About two weeks later he attacked them and was defeated. They were forced to surrender. This victory convinced the French to become allies with the U.S. Once the U.S. secured the French as allies the war was in the colonists hands. http://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/battle-of-saratoga -
Period: to
War in the south
This event asymmetrical, because the British put everything winning the south and they didn't win. The British were noting winning very much so they decided to focus on the south. They were turn slaves against their masters, and promise loyalists their revenge. The British bet everything on the south and failed. Once the British could not succeed there the war was in control of the Americans. www.loc.gov › ... › Presentations and Activities -
Period: to
Battle of Yorktown
This event has symmetry, because it is the same. As general Cornwallis, of the British army was in Yorktown, George Washington proposed a plan to trap him in his base. The French Navy surrounded the place by sea. The American army took away the ability to escape by land. He was then later forced to surrender.