Contextualization Timeline

  • Novel; Meeting Firdaus

    psychiatrist Naval goes to prison and attempts to get Firdaus to tell her story.
  • World: Korean War

    In 1950 the Korean war began between North Korea and South Korea. With a series of conflicts between borders.
  • Region; Anti British riots

    At least 20 people are killed in anti-British riots in Cairo.
  • World; McCarran–Walter Act

    An Act made to try and change the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality and other purposes.
  • Novel; Childhood

    Firduas moves to Cairo with her uncle. Firdaus' uncle makes her marry one of his wife's relatives.
  • Region; Muhammad Najib

    Coup leader Muhammad Najib becomes president as Egypt is declared a republic.
  • World; SEATO established

    "France, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Pakistan, Thailand, and the United States, pledged themselves to “act to meet the common danger” in the event of aggression against any signatory state."
  • World; 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état

    1954 Guatemalan coup d'état was a action carried out by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
  • World; Rosa Parks boycott

    "Rosa Parks, an African American, was arrested for disobeying an Alabama law requiring black passengers to relinquish seats to white passengers when the bus was full."
  • Region; Suez Canal

    President Nasser nationalises the Suez Canal to fund the Aswan High Dam, after Britain and US withdraw financing.
  • Region; Invasion of Egypt

    Invasion of Egypt by Britain, France and Israel over nationalisation of Suez Canal.
  • Region; Campaign

    President Nasser steps up campaign to promote pan-Arab unity, most visible signs of which were brief United Arab Republic unitary state
  • Novel; Development

    Firdaus becomes a prostiute.
  • Novel; Fear

    Firdaus runs away from a pimp and witnesses a murder.
  • Novel; Point of View

    Firdaus realizes she can't dell herself and wants to change.
  • Region; President Adopts

    President Nasser adopts socialist policies, including nationalisation of industry and an ambitious welfare programme, combined with repression of Muslim Brotherhood
  • Novel; Taken Advantage of

    Firdaus trusts a man for the first time and she is taken advantage of once again and feels betrayed.
  • Novel; Independent

    Firdaus becomes her own pimp and sells herself.
  • Novel; Realization

    Firdaus decides that is her lifestyle until she encounters a man.
  • Region; Attack

    Israeli pre-emptive attack defeats Egypt, Jordan and Syria, leaving it in control of Sinai up to the Suez Canal and Egyptian-occupied Gaza
  • Region; Death of President

    Nasser dies, having never recovered his leading role among Arab states after the 1967 defeat
  • Novel; Work

    Firdaus began to work but the job didn't pay enough to provide for herself so soon after she returns to prostitution. She kills a pimp because she refuses to work for him.
  • Region; Expulsion

    President Sadat expels Soviet advisers and reorients Egypt towards the West, while launching an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to open the economy to market forces and foreign investment.
  • Region; War

    Egypt and Syria go to war with Israel to reclaim land lost in 1967.
  • Novel; Prison

    Firdaus falls in love with a prince and tells him she committed a murder. He calls the cops on her and she is arrested.