French Philosopher Rene Descartes
In the seventeenth century, the french philosopher Rene Descartes challenged the view that was popular for almost 2000 years which was that the mind controls the body but the body could not influnce the mind. Rene Descartes suggested that the human mind and the body are sepreate, but interact through the mind. -
Wilhelm Wundt
Wilhelm Wundt was a german physiologist trained in medicine who was specifically interested in the scientific study of human consciousness. -
Sigmund Freud
Psychoanalysis was discovered by Australia doctor Sigmund Freud, Psychoanallysis focuses on the roles of unconscious conflicts and movtivtions in understanding and explaining behaouvior and mental processes -
John B. Watson
John B. watson studied behaviourism, which is understanding and explaining how behaviour is learned and moulded by experience. John B. Watson believes that everything we do is influced by rewards or punishment. -
Carl Rogers
Americian clinical psychologist Carl Rogers was one of the founder and leaders of humanism. Carl Rogers believed that we are all born with the potential to be great in our own ways. Carl Rogers focused on the 'whole person'. -
German Physiologist Helmholtz
German physiologist Helmholtz developed a method for measuring the speed of nerve in a frog's leg. Helmholtz also tried his method on humans. Helmholtz was the man who turned all the questions into actions scientifically. -
Greek Philosophers
Over 2000 years ago the ancient greek philosopher Socrates and his followers Plato and Aristotle studies and wrote about all kind of human thoughts, feelings and behaviours: and human nature in general. they had many questions about how the human mind works, for example they studied about memory, sleep, dreams,imagination and much more,