El dos de mayo de 1808 en madrid


By Mik_21
  • Unification of Germany

    Unification of Germany
    The unification of Germany was a historical process that took place in the second half of the 19th century in Central Europe and culminated with the creation of the German Empire on January 18, 1871, bringing together various hitherto independent states, such as Prussia, Bavaria, or Saxony. . Before the formation of a unified national State, the territory of Germany was divided into a political mosaic of 39 States. Among them, the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia.
  • Period: to

    I Boer War

    The First Boer War was a conflict that took place between December 16, 1880 and March 23, 1881.
    It was the first confrontation between the British Empire and the Dutch or Boer settlers of Transvaal. It was triggered when Sir Theophilus Shepstone annexed Transvaal to the United Kingdom in 1877. The British consolidated their power over most of South Africa's colonies in 1879, following the Anglo-Zulu War. The Boers protested the fait accompli and, in December 1880, a revolt broke out.
  • Berlin conference

    Berlin conference
    The Berlin Conference, also known as the Congo Conference or West Africa Conference, held between November 15, 1884 and February 26, 1885 in the city of Berlin (German Empire), was convened by France and the Kingdom United1​ and organized by the Chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismarck, in order to solve the problems involved in colonial expansion in Africa and resolve its distribution.
  • Fachoda Affair

    Fachoda Affair
    The Fachoda Incident or Battle of Fachoda is the name given to the military confrontation between the French and English Empires in 1898 due to the intersection of their respective projects to establish lines of communication between their African colonies. This incident was one of the causes of the World War I.
  • Period: to

    Boxer Rebellion

    The Boxer Uprising was a movement that began in 1898, coinciding with the Hundred Days Reform, and ended on September 7, 1901. Emerged in the China of the Qing dynasty against the imperialist intervention of the great Western powers and the Empire of Japan, in the Chinese territory. In the last years of the 19th century, during the period known as " the century of humiliation" .The movement was repressed by a sector of the Chinese army and European, American and Japanese military forces.