
Contact with First Nations

  • Period: Jan 1, 1497 to Dec 31, 1498

    John Cabot discovers parts of North America

    Show the First Nations peoples lack of technology.
    Introduced new way of hunting and farming.
    It began multiple events that later created tension between colonies and the First Nations.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1501 to Dec 31, 1502

    Corte-Real brothers explored Newfoundland and Labrador claiming them for Portuguese Empire

    Began the claiming of the western land.
    First Nations people got their farming land taken away.
    Began the colonalization of the First Nations people's land.
  • Period: Apr 9, 1520 to Apr 9, 1521

    creation of trading posts and companies

    First Nation people being used for collecting natural resources.
    People imigrating to North America, more land needed.
    Began the exploitation and depletion of natural resources.
  • Period: to

    Royal Charter was created

    It was supposed to be benefitial to both sides.
    Established trading posts bringing in more travelers.
    Introduced new weapons and diseases to First Nations people.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian war and Royal Proclamation

    France and Britian fought a large war winning over frances territory.
    Royal Proclamation was created to protect the aboriginal people from others settling on their lands.
    First Nations were allies with the British during the war.
  • Period: to

    Capitan James Cook

    Captain Cook explores BC coast and claims in for Britain.
    Decreases the amount of land for the First Nations people.
    Brings in more settlers and technologies, but also brings diseases.
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    war of 1812

    War fought between United States and the British in Canada.
    Fought on land sacred to First Nations ruining large parts of it.
    More land taken from the FIrst Nations.
    War ended with Treaties of Ghent,and Rush-Bagoty.
  • Period: to

    Residential schools

    Forced assimilation of all First Nations.
    Killed a lot of First Nations kids and abused them.
    Most of the children that went to those schools did not remember their families.
  • Period: to

    British North American Act

    Gave the government of Canadian parliament juristiction over all Canada.
    Enabled the Canadian government to take away First Nation's Land.
    Brought more settlers and diseases as well as technologies.
  • Period: to

    Numbered Treaties