Period: to
European Contact
Beothuk People
The Beothuk People were hunters who once lived in Newfoundland. They mostly relied on marine resources and traping animals for resources. they lived a simple peaceful life until the british came to Newfoundland -
British arive in NewFoundLand
When the British arrived to Newfoundland they didnt really interact wiht the Beothuk people. When they did interact it was silent bartering trade. The British came to Newfoundland for resources and things that they didnt have. But wanted and was a delicate for them -
The end of Beothuk
When the British started looking for resources they would push the Beothuk people farther and farther off their land and taking all the Beothuks hunting and traping spots. Eventually the British pushed the Beothuk off their land and Beothuk didnt have food or resources that they needed so they starteed stealing the fish and fur from the British. The British reacted by killing the Beothuk and killing them off. -
Plains people
The plains people lived on the plains they survived on buffalo and herbs for food. They used the whole bufflao for clothing tools shelter nothing went to waste they used spears arrows and knife to hunt. They lived a perfect life until the Europens came. -
European contact
The Europenas came to the plains and started looking for resources when the found the plains people. The plains people seen that they had diffrent weapons and clothes as the plains people so they started trading fur for European pots tools and firearms. -
Europeans = Bad
the guns that the plains people got from Europeans made it easier for plains people to kill the Buffalo. But since it was easier for Europeans and Plains people to kill the buffalo rapidly lost numbers. More Europeans came and moved west into Plain people land and started to farm and make a living. -
Europeans began to arrive and settle
The buffalo that came onto the Europeans farms or land would get shot and not used. After putting the plains people in a bad position the European started to build a Railroad that almost put the Buffa