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Consumer Economy Project

  • Budget Deficit

    Budget Deficit
    President Obama’s $787 billion economic stimulus package is an example of a budget deficit policy. The stimulus package “combines government spending and tax cuts in a seven-fold plan to provide consumer relief, encourage consumer spending, create employment, and stimulate business production.”
    (Fiscal Policy)
  • Saving Deficit

    Saving Deficit
    It is a sum of money one puts away/saves from their personal income to put towards their retirement fund. This rate is shown as a percentage using a ratio of savings/personal income. You can also have a negative rating by using more money than you have saved. In May 2008 the personal savings rate was at its lowest point for the next 6 years. In 1993, the savings rate was at its low due to economic troubles(fiscal policy)
  • Leadership Deficit

    Leadership Deficit
    In 2013 a survey was taken about the leadership in businesses. When the survey was taken 80% of employees said that they needed new leadership in their business. When there was a different survey taken about the priority of leadership in their business 46% said that there was little to no priority on leadership development in their business. (Result)
  • Trade Deficit

    Trade Deficit
    According to economists, creating jobs is the easiest way to lower and abolish our trade deficit. Our country has been billions of dollars in debt to other countries, our history of importing more than we export cannot be sustained if we wish to have a leading economy. Countries like Germany have been exporting more than they import. In 2014 Germany had a 1.5 million Euro trade surplus.(Fiscal Policy)
  • Trade Deficit

    Trade Deficit
    The United States has had a consistent trade deficit since 1976 due to the imports of oil and consumer products. Our biggest deficits are with China, Japan, Germany, and Mexico. In June 2016 the trade deficit widened to 44.5 billion from a 40.96 billion deficit. The percentage of imports rose 1.9 percent due to the higher oil prices and the demand of goods while the percent of exports only rose .3 percent. (Fiscal Policy)
  • Budget Deficit

    Budget Deficit
    410 billion. In 2008 the federal government spent 2.9 trillion dollars while only bringing in 2.5 trillion dollars. So the budget deficit is 410 billion, the difference of the two. This deficit is then added to the overall national debt. (fiscal policy)