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Consumer Data Privacy

  • Period: to

    Do Not Track Legislation

    The speed of internet privacy legislation has picked up considerably as legislators debate location-based data security issues and high-profile consumer data thefts keep data privacy in the news.
  • Criticism of The Kerry-McCain Bill

    Criticism of The Kerry-McCain Bill
    Senators John Kerry and John McCain introduced their Commercial Privacy Bill of Rights on April 12. The bill was similar ito the self-regulatory guidelines presented by the Digital Advertising Association and was criticized as too weak by consumer privacy advocates.
  • The Rockefeller Bill

    The Rockefeller Bill
    Senator Jay Rockefeller's Do Not Track bill places the FTC as the chief regulator and enforcer of data privacy guidelines and mandates that user's be allowed to opt-out of all forms of information tracking and long-term data storage not essential for transaction processing. The bill has been praised by numerous consumer groups.
  • The Barton-Markey Bill

    The Barton-Markey Bill
    Senators Joe Barton and Ed Markey released a draft of a bill which would severely restrict the tracking of children and teens online and the storage of data about their social network profiles, spending habits and web usage.
  • The Lowenthal Bill

    The Lowenthal Bill
    California State Senator Alan Lowenthal introduced SB761 to the state legislature which would require all companies located or doing business in Californai to permit consumers to opt-out of virtually all forms of information tracking. The bill would be the strictest in the nation and was vocally opposed by Google and Facebook.