1) Purhcase meats and poultry last when purchasing-Keep meat and poultry packages seperate from other foods
2) Never purchase canned foods that are dented, or cracked eggs -
1) Refridgerate foods as soon as you get home- fridge no higher then 40 degrees
2)Store meats in plastic begs or on a plate to prevent dripping in refridgerator -
1) Wash hands with soap and warm water before you begin and after handling raw meat and eggs-also wsh cutting boards with soap and warm water between uses
2) Avoid cross contamination by never putting cooked foods on a plate that previously held raw meat -
1) Don't eat raw eggs or meat
2) Cook food thoroughly to destroy bacteria from processing-measure internal temperature with a meat thermometer -
1) Keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot- becteria can grow best between 45-140 degrees
2) Never leave potentially hazardous foods out at room temperature longer than 2 hours -
Handling Leftovers
1) To cool leftovers as quickly as possible, divide into small shallow containers for quick cooling
2) Reheat leftovers thoroghly