We the people

Constitutional Timeline

By mp123
  • Jun 3, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Signed by King John
    Signed in England
    It was a symbol of freedom for oppression
    Written in Latin
    At first only benefited the elite class
    American colonists used it in 1776 as their model for liberty against english crown.
    granted people life, liberty and property
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    Signed by 41 colonists (english) on Mayflower
    Signed on the Mayflower ship
    purpose: drafted to prevent fights with Puritans and non sparists pilgrims
    first framework for United States gov't
  • Petition of Rights

    Petition of Rights
    ~known as milestone for human rights
    ~ignorance from King Charles I lead to this beheading\
    a) ~no taxes may be levied without consent from Parliment
    ~no subject may be imprisoned without cause shown
    ~no soliders may be quartered upon the citizenry
    ~martial law may not be used in time of peace
    b) King Charles I
  • English Bill of Rights

    Signed by William and Mary
    People were given the rights to rule for the freedom of speech in parliment
    Right to petition the monarch
    Protestants can have arms for defence
    Signed in England
  • albany plan of Union

    albany plan of Union
    Benjamin Franklin suggested this plan
    It never actually happened
    This plan was suggested in hopes that the United colonies could help create their own rules and defenses
    "Join or die with snake" is a popular cartoon created by Ben Franklin
  • French and Indian War

    This was a battle between the French and the British/Indians
    There were battles at Louisbourg, Fort Protenac, Quebec, Montreal
    The British and Indians ultimately won the conflict
    This helped the indians in general, and helped with the expansions of colonies
    this is also called the 7 years war
    France tried to exapnd the Ohio River and led to British/ virginia conflicts
  • King George iii

    King George iii
    Englands longest ruling monarch before Queen Victoria
    pushed through British 7 year war
    led ENgland's successful resistance to revolutionary and napoleoric France
    loss of American revolution
    British and Indians defeated the french.
    new france and colonies became apart of British colonies
    British won colonies and used the french colonies for hunting
  • Stamp Act

    ~an act for granting and applying certain stamp duties in the british colonies and plantations in America
    ~first serious attempt to assert governmental authority over the colonies
    a) playing cards, dice, pamphlets, newspaper
    b) led to a serious revolt by English citizens in Britain
  • Boston Massacre

    This occurred in Boston
    5 deaths happened
    This occurred because of the Townshend Acts
    This was a form of rebellion against strict government rule
  • Boston Massacre

    It talked about the background of the massacre and the events that led up to the 5 deaths.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The political group is the Sons of Liberty
    British Parliment raised tea prices
    Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty boarded 3 ships and tossed tea off the ship
    The British saw it as resistance
  • Intolerable Acts

    ~Laws that were enacted in response to the Boston Tea Party
    ~caused Massachusettes to lead the resistance
    a) Parliment was outraged by the Boston Tea Party and blatant destruction of British property
    b) provisions include:
    ~closed Boston merchant shipping
    ~established British military rule in Massachusettes
    ~made British officials immune to criminal prosecution in American
    ~required colonists to quarter British troops
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    Jefferson, John Adas, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, George Washingtom were all part of this meeting
    Declaration of Rights, passed articles of association (stop importing british goods)
    Te meeting was held in Philidelphia
  • First Continental Congress

    This talked about the first continental congress and how it paved way for the decision to not import goods from Britian. It talked about where the meeting was held, and when.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    ~Battles that united and inspired Americans and marked the true beginning of the revolutionary war
    a) British won Lexington, but Concord was won by the Americans by introducing the British to Guerilla warfare
    b) Major Generals:
    British: William Howe
    Henry Clinton
    "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne
    American: James Barret
    Sam Adams
    John Hancock
    c) Midnight Ride warned them that British were coming
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    ~they met to take charge of war effort and govern the colonies
    b) Ideas:
    ~Continental Army was created
    ~George Washington was named the "Supreme Commander"
    ~Authorized printing of money to pay for supplies
    ~A Foreign relations commitee was appointed
    c) Leaders:
    ~Ben Franklin
    ~John Hancock
    ~Thomas Jefferson
    ~George Washington
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    ~considered one of the three founding documents of the United States of America
    ~declared separation from Britain
    a) Thomas Jefferson
    b) 3 Major Parts:
    1- Preamble
    2- List of grievances committed by the King
    3- Consequences of said grievances
  • Articles of Confederation

    ~States remained soverign and independent under these articles
    ~given authority to make treaties, alliances, maintain army, and to coin money
    a) John Hanson
    b) Successes:
    ~negotiation of Treaty of Paris ended revolutionary war
    ~guided nation through critical period
    ~Northwest Ordinance: orderly admission of states into the Union
    ~could not raise money by collecting taxes
    ~no control over foreign commerce
    ~problems could not be corrected
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    Description: marked the end of the revolutionary war
    a) John Adams, Ben Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens
    b) Canada
    c) Declaration of Independence
  • Start of Constitutional Convention

    The Constitution (VIDEO)
    Describes the principles that founded this country.
    ~assembled to fix problems associated with the Articles of Confederation
    ~led to the constitution we have today
    a) the drafting of the U.S. Constitution
    ~organized because of dissatisfaction with the Articles of Confederation
    b) the perfectionist barriers that limited trade and commerce between largely independent states