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Constitutional Convention

By Gellaca
  • First Constitutional Convention

    First Constitutional Convention
    All colonies except Georgia sent delegates, some of which included Samuel Adams, Roger Sherman, John Dickinson, George Washington, and mant more. The members sent a Declaration of Rights to King George III, and had the colonies refuse trade with England. The meeting was over on October 26.
  • Second Constitutional Convention

    Second Constitutional Convention
    John Hancock had been chosen president of the Congress, a continental army with George Washington as commander in chief was created, and the Second Continental Congress became the nation's first government for five years.
  • Declaration

    The delegates adopted the Declaration of Independence and became a new nation.
  • Period: to

    The Second Continental Congress Serves as the Nation's First Government

  • Articles of Confederation go into Effect

    Articles of Confederation go into Effect
  • End of the War

    End of the War
    America won the Revolutionary War, then it was confirmed when they signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783.
  • Shays Forces

    Shays Forces
    Shays Rebels attacked the Springfield armory, then many of the rebels were captured a day later.
  • Philadelphia Meeting

    Philadelphia Meeting
    Twelve of the thirteen states showed up to the Philadelphia meeting, with 74 delegates chosen in all. These delegates came to be known as the Framers.
  • Constitution is signed!

    Constitution is signed!
    The convention had 39 names placed on the Constitution.