The first ten amendments
The first ten amendments are called The Bill of Rights. These first ten amendments would include freedom of speech, right to bear arms, and a right to a speedy and fair trial. -
Preserve Slavory
A month before the civil war had started, Thomas Corwin presents an amendment to keep slavory legal in U.S. -
13th amendment
The 13th amendment is the amendment that stopped slavery and prevents it from happening again today, -
The 15th amendment
This amendment is the amendment that grants people the right to vote no no matter what race you are. Women still were not granted voting rights at this time. -
17th amendment
This amendment grants the people to vote for senators by a popular vote. The state legislators chose the senators prior to the voting which angered many voters. -
Women's rights to vote
This is when the 19th amendment went into affect, gving women in the U.S, the right to vote. Most of the people who faught for womens sufferage did not live to see their goal be achieved. -
The 22nd amendment
This amendment makes it to where the president can only serve two four-year terms. This happened five years after Franklin Roosevelt had served four terms. -
23rd amendment
This amendment let citizens of the nation's capppitol have the right to vote in presidential elections. Since Washington wasn't even really part of the country, that is why this amendment was needed. -
26th amendment
The 26th amendment was the amendment that made it to where only people 18 or older could vote in presidential elections. -
The equal rights ammendment
This amendment came into sigh originally in 1923 but was finally passed by congress in 1973. This amendment creates equal rights for women.