constitution timeline

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    made by King John, it was a charter, first time in Europe that there was any laws for a king, first written constitution in Europe, Habeas corpus.
  • mayflower compact

    When the pilgrims, who meant to land in Virginian, landed in what would be Massachusetts, they had to create their own laws. first document establishing self government in the colonies. free citizens voluntarily create a government
  • fundamental orders of Connecticut

    Constitution adopted by three towns in Hartford Connecticut. No mention of a sovereign, lord or king, no religious testing for voting, term limits, basic structure of Constitution contained a preamble, Connecticut is the constitution state
  • English Bill of Rights

    Gave parliament power and gave individuals rights. changed England from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. John Locke's idea that the role of government is to protect the natural rights of citizens. Freedom of speech, trial by jury, ans protection from cruel and unusual punishment.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    an attempt to unify the colonies to better bargain with king George II. Benjamin Franklin, attempted ti fix the growing divided between colonial interests and England interest, increased the idea that north american colonies could be part of a single unit. separated legislative and executive branches of government. improved England
  • french and Indian war

    also called the 7 years war, fought between the french ans the British mostly over the Ohio river valley, french Acadians, British acquired a large amount of debt, British left permanently stationed troops in N. America. British stated taxes more heavily.
  • The Acts

    Sugar act- 1764 attempts to curb smuggling and raise money, stamp act- 1765 first internal tax levied on the colonists. No taxation without representation. Intolerable act- 1774 - done in response to the Boston tea party. Quartering act
  • declaration of independence

    Formal statement written by Thomas Jefferson declaring the freedom of the thirteen american colonies from great Britain.
  • first continental congress

    Bane in response to the intolerable acts. started the unification process of the colonies. listed grievances and made a declaration of rights to be presented to British parliament.
  • second continental congress

    The revolution had already started. appointed George Washington as the general of the colonial army. drafted the declaration of independence, July 4th 1776. created the articles of confederation to govern the 13 colonies
  • Articles of confederation

    The original constitution of the us. The was replaced by the us constitution in 1789. they didn't work, made by Benjamin Franklin
  • Virginia plan

    Was a proposal by Virginia delegates for a bicameral legislative branch. The plan was drafted by James Madison while he waited for a quorum to assemble at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
  • New Jersey Plan

    unsuccessfully proposed at the Constitutional Convention, providing for a single legislative house with equal representation for each state
  • three fifths compromise

    The ratio of slaves to free persons at great length. All but two states--New Hampshire and Rhode Island--approved this recommendation.
  • shays rebellion

    was an armed uprising in Western Massachusetts in opposition to a debt crisis among the citizenry and the state government's increased efforts to collect taxes both on individuals and their trades; the fight took place mostly in and around Springfield during 1786 and 1787.