Constitution Timeline

  • Declaration of Rights and grievances is passed

    Declaration of Rights and grievances is passed
    The Declaration of Rights & Grieverances was a document created and passed Oct. 19, 1765. Tis document was directed to the stamp Act. The Declaration of Rights raised 14 points od protest.
  • Boston Tea party

    Boston Tea party
    The boston tea party was done by colonist against the british goverment. Colonist went aboard a ship a dumbed all the Tea out. This was one of the important historical events in America. It was an event that has been spoken about through the whole entire history.
  • Revolutionary War Begins

    Revolutionary War Begins
    The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the American War of Independence or simply the Revolutionary War to many Americans, began as a war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and thirteen British colonies in North America, and ended in a global war between several European nations.
  • 2nd Continental congress meets

    2nd Continental congress meets
    After the battle of lexington and concord the second contiental congress met. The colonist were still thinking about the two battles. These battles were very important during this time period. Also the congress met May 10, 1775. A problem the second congress had was it had a few delegates. But this was a very important contiental congress meet.
  • Declaration of independence is signed

    Declaration of independence is signed
    The declaration of independence was a statement adopted by the continental congress. Which announced the 13 American colonies that were at war with great Britian. The declaration was ultimatily a formal explanation why congress had voted in July 2. This was an important event for the Untited States.
  • Articles of confederation

    Articles of confederation
    This is when the representitive of all 13 states agree to create a conferderacy called the united states. All these 13 states enter a "league of friendship" for the purpose of defending each other. Also each state will help get run away criminals.
  • Revolutionary War ends

    Revolutionary War ends
    When the war ended exactly is confusing. It kind of petered out after Yorktown into small raids. In November of 1782 the British agreed to American Independence and made a preliminary accord with America. In January of '83 they signed the preliminary peace treaty, with France and Spain, On April 14th, the Governor of New Jersey issued a Proclamation that ended formal hostilities. The British were still in New York City. Not until November 23rd, 1783 were they to leave the City.
  • First continental Congress meets

    First continental Congress meets
    The first Contiental congress met in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia. From Sep. 5 to Oct. 26, 1774 Carpenter's hall was also the seat of Pennysylvania congress. These were elected by the people of the colonial legislatures.
  • Constitutional congress opens

    Constitutional congress opens
    This was a convention of delegates called together by the 13 colonies that became a goveners body. The congress met from 1774 to 1789. The new congress would become an issue for the declaration of independence. The constitutional goverment was fully realized among American colonies.
  • Final draft of the constitution is signed

    Final draft of the constitution is signed
    The members of the Constitutional Convention signed the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Constitutional Convention convened in response to dissatisfaction with the Articles of Confederation and the need for a strong centralized government. The Constitution established the U.S. government as it exists today.