8 Important Visual Timeline from 1982-2015

  • Constitution comes home

    Constitution comes home
    Queen Elizabeth II comes to Canada and sign to bring the patriate. This is a very important event in Canada because they can have their own constitution.
  • First Canadian Woman in Space

    First Canadian Woman in Space
    The first Canadian female Roberta Bondar has arrive to the space to do her mission of getting information. This is important event to Canada because she can capture the imagination of million and what happen outside of the earth.
  • Quebec sovereighty movement

    Quebec sovereighty movement
    Quebec independent has been defeated by the voting in joined with Canada or no. This is a very important event because Canada economic might get decrease by the result of voting.
  • Canada Newest Territory

    Canada Newest Territory
    Nuvavut has beccame the new territory in Canada and this very helpful for Canada society. This is a very important event for canada because of this Canada can have more economic, culture and to learn the language of them to increase more knowlege of them.
  • Canadian Clarity Act

    Canadian Clarity Act
    An Act to give effect to the requirement for clarity as set out in the opinion of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Quebec Secession Reference. This is a important event because this allow to descuss to change the law and it need vote from every province.
  • Participation in anti-terrorism mission

    Participation in anti-terrorism mission
    Prime Minister Stephen Harper announces anti-terrorism measures to protect Canadians from the evolving threat of terrorism. This is a important event for Canada because Canada is in the United Nation, they need to make peace for the world.
  • Apology to Aboriginal in the residential school system

    Apology to Aboriginal in the residential school system
    Prime minister Harper offer full apology to the residential school system. This is a very important event to canada because if he didn't apology to them, other country will not do business with Canada.
  • Canada at the winter olympics

    Canada at the winter olympics
    Canada sets record for gold medals at the Vancouver Winter Olympics Games. This is a very important to Canada because this year have the most of gold medal in that time.