Congress Establishes The Great Seal of the United States
The Eye of Providence (aka the "All Seeing Eye") is a Masonic symbol on the back od the one dollar bill. -
The LIncoln Assassination
Many conspiracies surround the real motives of John Wilkes Booth and his co-conspirators. -
The Roswell Incident
Aliens supposedly crashed in Roswell, New Mexico on this date. -
"Nineteen Eighty-Four" is published.
This noverl raised much controversy about "Big Brother" (the idea that the governement is always watching through household technology). -
The Death of Marilyn Monroe
The death of Marilyn Monroe was very suspicious, considering she was beleived to be having affairs with both of the Kennedy brothers. -
Kennedy is Assassinated
John F. Kenendy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas at Dealey Plaza. -
First Moonlanding
Many conspiracies surround the truth behind Apollo 11.