Extinction of Buffalo
People could use buffalo for many things, such as for meat or for their fur. Since the buffalo could be used for so many things many people hunted them while moving westward. -
Discovery of Gold and Silver
The discovery of gold and silver in 1864 cause many more people to travel westward, everyone was wanting gold and silver. -
Tanscontinental Railroad System
The Railroad was invented in 1862 but it took the Pacific Railroad Act chartered the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroad Companies seen years to finish it. -
Barbed Wire
Barbed wire was in 1874. By a man named Joseph Glidden. It was invented to fence in their livestock . It was massed produced for may years ,and is still used in mordern day. -
Jesse James
Jesse James was a train and bank robber. -
Wild West Shows
The first wild west show was called Buffalo Bill, in 1883, these shows usually consisted of traveling performers. -
Dawen Act
Senator Henry L. Dawes of Massachusetts, authorized the president to divide Indian reservations into separate tracts of land for individual tribal members. These tracts were to be used for farming and cattle grazing. -
Cattle Driving
Men who traveled along a trail while moving a herd of cattle. -
Homestead act
This act allowed the land to be sold to the settlers.