Connor's WWII Timeline

  • Nazis burn Jewish Author's Books

    Nazis burn Jewish Author's Books
  • Mussolini Invades Ethiopia

    Mussolini Invades Ethiopia
  • Hitler and Mussolini form the "Axis"

    Hitler and Mussolini form the "Axis"
  • Hitler Annexes Austria

    Hitler Annexes Austria
  • Synagogues and Jewish shops are destroyed by Nazist mobs in Germany

    Synagogues and Jewish shops are destroyed by Nazist mobs in Germany
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
  • Cruise Ship Athenia is sunk by a German submarine

    Cruise Ship Athenia is sunk by a German submarine
  • Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, India and South Africa declare war on Germany

    Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, India and South Africa declare war on Germany
  • Soviet Union invades Poland

    Soviet Union invades Poland
  • Canada declares war on Germany

    Canada declares war on Germany
  • Italy annexes Albania

    Italy annexes Albania
  • assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler in Munich fails

    assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler in Munich fails
  • Soviet Union attacks Finland

    Soviet Union attacks Finland
  • Heisenberg reports on the possibility of building an atomic bomb for Germany

    Heisenberg reports on the possibility of building an atomic bomb for Germany
  • Germany creates a Jewish ghetto in Lodz, Poland

    Germany creates a Jewish ghetto in Lodz, Poland
  • Soviet Union bombs Sweden

    Soviet Union bombs Sweden
  • Holland surrenders

    Holland surrenders
  • Belgium surrenders

    Belgium surrenders
  • Norway surrenders

    Norway surrenders
  • France surrenders to Germany and a new government, led by Philippe Petain, moves the capital to Vichy

    France surrenders to Germany and a new government, led by Philippe Petain, moves the capital to Vichy
  • Italy surrenders in Africa and Ethiopia regains its independence

    Italy surrenders in Africa and Ethiopia regains its independence
  • the Japanese navy attacks the USA fleet at Pearl Harbor

    the Japanese navy attacks the USA fleet at Pearl Harbor
    Photo: Pearl Harbor after being bombed.
  • USA sends the first troops to Britain

    USA sends the first troops to Britain
  • Gas chamber is inaugurated at Auschwitz

    Gas chamber is inaugurated at Auschwitz
  • USA bombers drop bombs on Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka-Kobe and Nagoya

    USA bombers drop bombs on Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka-Kobe and Nagoya
  • USA navy defeats the Japanese navy in the Midway battle, which ends with the sinking of five aircraft carriers

    USA navy defeats the Japanese navy in the Midway battle, which ends with the sinking of five aircraft carriers
  • USA launches the Manhattan Project to develop an atomic bomb

    USA launches the Manhattan Project to develop an atomic bomb
  • USA and Britain under general Patton land in Sicily

    USA and Britain under general Patton land in Sicily
  • Allies land in Normandy and begin the invasion of France

    Allies land in Normandy and begin the invasion of France
    Photo of D-Day
  • USA land on Iwo Jima

    USA land on Iwo Jima
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
  • USA wins the battle of Okinawa, the last major island battle, but with a casualty rate of 35%

    USA wins the battle of Okinawa, the last major island battle, but with a casualty rate of 35%
  • Nagasaki is Bombed by USA

    Nagasaki is Bombed by USA
    Photo of Nagasaki after the US bombings.
  • Japan surrenders to the USA

    Japan surrenders to the USA