CONNORS time line for federation australia

  • the first colony

    the first colony
    the first colony new south wales settled by the british it was ruled by the governor appointed by the british goverment

    1788 captain phillip took possession of Australia in the name of the sovereign
  • six self goverment

    six self goverment
    six self goverment colones are established with simarlar forms of parliamentry goverment
  • first federal election

    first federal election
    inuagration of the commonwealth of Australia.
    29-30 March first Federal election acording to state eletoral laaws

    commonweath franchise Act and commonwealth electoral Act passed
  • Federal election

    Federal election
    federal election held undeer commonwealth electoral ACT
  • AUSTRALIAN anthem

    AUSTRALIAN anthem
    the Ausralian anthem is very old
  • constitutional

    constitutional convention held to disscuss issues about weather Australia should become republic
  • end of Federation

    centery of Federation