Virginia colony
This was a southern colony.John Smith was an early leader.This colony was founded so that they could establish an English colony in North America ,and so they could search for gold. -
New England,Massachusetts Bay was discovered
Pilgrims traveled to Massachessetts Bay to escape religous persecution in England. William Bradford and John Winthrop came first. -
Maryland colony
This was a southern colony.Lord Baltimore was an early leader.This colony was founded to establish refuge for Catholics in North America. -
This New England colony was founded for farming trading, and political freedom. Thomas Hooker was one of the early leaders. -
Rhode Island
This New England colony was founded for people of all religions.Roger Williams was one of the early leaders. -
New Jersey colony
This was a Middle colony.John Berkeley and George Carteret were the early leaders. This colony was made so they could build a colony on land captured from the Dutch. -
New York
This was a Middle colony. The reasons for founding were to build colony on land captured from Dutch. The Duke of York was one of the early leaders. -
New Hampshire
This is also a New England colony. It was founded for trading and fishing.John Wheelwright was one of the early leaders. -
Pennsylvania colony
This was a middle colony.William Penn was an early leader.This colony was made so they could establish a Quaker colony in North America. -
Delaware colony
This was middle colony.William Penn was an early leader.This was founded for trading and farming. -
South Carolina colony
This was a southern colony.Anthony Ashley-Cooper was an early leader.This colony was founded for farming. -
North Carolina colony
This was a southern colony.William Berkeley was an early leader.It was founded for farming. -
Georgia colony
This was a southern colony.James Oglethorp was an early leader.This colony was founded so that they could have refuge for debtors ,and so they could have a colony between the Carolinas and Florida.