Connectivity Events

  • The maiden voyage of the steamboat Clermont

    The maiden voyage of the steamboat Clermont
    Paved the way for the creation of modern day ships
  • The First Car

    The First Car
    Revolutionized the way we travel
  • The Steam Train

    The Steam Train
    Helps carry supplies and equipment around the world more quick and efficient
  • The Lehigh Canal

    The Lehigh Canal
    Made it easier to get supplies from one end of the canal to the other
  • The Telegraph and Morse Code

    The Telegraph and Morse Code
    The Telegraph revolutionized the way humans communicated during the civil war
  • The Transcontinental railroad

    The Transcontinental railroad
    Made shipping supplies and people easier
  • The first Radio

    The first Radio
    allowed for entertainment and cordless communication
  • The Wright Brother Flyer

    The Wright Brother Flyer
    Lead to the creation of modern day flight transportation
  • The opening of the Pennsylvania Turnpike

    The opening of the Pennsylvania Turnpike
    Made it easier to travel through out the state of Pennsylvania
  • The Global Positioning System

    The Global Positioning System
    Revolutionized traveling as a whole
  • The Invention of the PC

    The Invention of the PC
    A start to amazing computer and PC software which is the only reason we are as advanced as we are now
  • Television

    Revolutionized entertainment
  • The World Wide Web AKA the Internet

    The World Wide Web AKA the Internet
    The whole reason our counry is as advanced as we are. the internet allows anyone to look up and search for what ever they want when they want
    improved the way humans act towards shipping and buying products
  • MySpace

    paved the way for modern day social media
  • The Iphone

    The Iphone
    Is the one and only reason why phones are as advances as they are