Connecticut Timeline

  • Dutch Build a Fort

    Dutch Build a Fort
    This was built on the future sight of Hartford. This fort was called the House of Good Hope. The Dutch had control of this land before the English.
  • John Oldham explores possible trade routes on Connecticut River

    John Oldham explores possible trade routes on Connecticut River
    In the future Connecticut will benefit largely from trade.
  • Connecticut was founded as a colony

    Connecticut was founded as a colony
    Thomas Hooker founded Connecticut as a place for religious freedom.
  • Pequet War

    Pequet War
    Captain John Mason led colonists to decisive victory.
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
    This order allowed religious freedom and representative government in Connecticut.
  • New England Confederation

    New England Confederation
    Connecticut was forced into the New England Confederation along with other New England colonies.
  • Charter for Connecticut

    Charter for Connecticut
    John Winthrop obtains charter from England. This charter allows Connecticut to have certain freedoms
  • Royal Governor Edmund Andros

    Royal Governor Edmund Andros
    Andros was elected by the king but the people of New England hated him.
  • Andros Jailed

    Andros Jailed
    He was jailed after King Lames was overthrown. The colonists did this because he was cruel.
  • Connecticut regains representative government

    Connecticut regains representative government
    After Andros was jailed Connecticut regained some of its government but not all of it.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war was unpopular in Connecticut because Connecticut made its money from trade and during war it wasn't safe to trade on the ocean.
  • Steamboat on the Connecticut River

    Steamboat on the Connecticut River
    First steamboat voyage up the Connecticut River. This shows that the world was changing.
  • Railroad Completed

    Railroad Completed
    Railroad between Hartford and New Haven was completed. This made it much easier to travel.
  • Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company

    Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
    This was the first life insurance company chartered in Connecticut.
  • Yale agricultural school

    Yale agricultural school
    First American agricultural experiment was done at Yale in Connecticut.
  • Slavery Abolished

    Slavery Abolished
    Slavery was abolished in Connecticut. Soon every state will do the same.
  • Hartford made capitol

    Hartford made capitol
    Hartford was made capitol of Connecticut and still is the capitol of Connecticut.
  • Capitol Building completed

    Capitol Building completed
    Hartford's capitol building was completed. this was an important step in Connecticut's future because every state has a capitol building.
  • Disputed Election

    Disputed Election
    Due to a disputed election the governor was in office for two extra years. Morgan G. Bulkeley was the governor at that time.
  • Manufactoring Of Auto mobiles

    Manufactoring Of Auto mobiles
    manufacturing of automobiles began by Pope Manufacturing Company of Hartford.
  • First American Submarine

    First American Submarine
    First American submarine was built in Connecticut by Electric Boat Co.
  • First Boy Scouts in Connecticut

    First Boy Scouts in Connecticut
    The first boy scout group was established in East Hartford.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    67000 Connecticut troops served in this war.
  • Flood In Connecticut

    Flood In Connecticut
    This flood caused enormous damage in the Connecticut River Valley.
  • Hurricane hits Connecticut

    Hurricane hits Connecticut
    This hurricane took lives and caused major damage.
  • Circus tent fire

    Circus tent fire
    The Ringling Brothers Circus tent caught fire and killed 168 people.
  • Women Governor

    Women Governor
    The first female governor was elected. Her name was Ella Grasso.
  • Governor resigned

    Governor resigned
    Governor Jon Rowland resigned during a corruption investigation.
  • Actor passes

    Actor passes
    Paul Newman who was a legendary actor passed away.
  • Power Plant Explosion

    Power Plant Explosion
    the power plant near Middletown exploded and killed12