
By VerleyK
  • Oct 20, 1567

    Exploring of area

    Exploring of area
    Adrian Black explored the Conneticut area
  • First European settlers

    First European settlers
    1633 First European settlers in Conneticut. which in not there capitol Hartford.
  • founding of Conneticut

    founding of Conneticut
    Conneticut was founded
  • John Oldham

    John Oldham
    John Oldham had reports that made Thomas Hooker look for the land.
  • Pequot War

    Pequot War
  • Royal Charter

    Royal Charter
    Colonial Conneticut secured Royal Charter from King Chartles 2
  • King Philips war

    King Philips war
    The war was1675-1677
  • queen Annes war

    queen Annes war
    won queen annes war
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    this war was 1756-1763
  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War
    to gain independance
  • Statehood

    Conneticut was th3e 5th state to become a state
  • State house

    State house
    Conneticut got the first state house
  • First Bank

    First Bank
    the first Bank in Connecticut was in Hartfor
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    First Cotton gin made by Eli whitney
  • war of 1812

    war of 1812
    War of 1812: Connecticut's resistance to the war
  • Catlle Branding

    Catlle Branding
    Cattle Branding started in Conneticut
  • Car insurance

    Car insurance
    the first car insurance company
  • factrories

    5 million women work in factories
  • Automobile Law

    Automobile Law
    the first automobile law was passed. the speed limit was 12mph
  • Constitusion state

    Constitusion state
    Conneticut nicknamed Constitusion State
  • Population

    The current population is 3,574,097
  • The capitol is Hartford

    The capitol is Hartford
  • The 29th biggest state

  • Size

    5,544 square miles
  • newspaper

    the first newspaper published in Hartford Conneticut