
By vibi13
  • Period: to

    Berlin Conference

    Summoned by Otto von Bismarck to talk about new set of rules for European colonial expansion in Africa.
    2 Important principles were established:
    - 1st a country's claims to a territory could be based only on effective occupation.
    - 2nd all newly acquired areas must remain open to free international trade—> this meant that colonisation became very expensive (because no one could impose trade barriers, transit charges or import and export duties).
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    Congo Free/Independent State

    The Congo Independent State under the personal government of King Leopold lasted from 1885 to 1908.
  • Régime Domanial Law

    • The state had been declared proprietor of all vacant land, which would henceforth constitute its domain.
    • Allowed for appropriation of land where rubber and ivory was found!
  • Rubber Demand

    Lucky timing as the state was going bankrupt.
  • Leopold's Death

    Leopold dies and leaves to his son Albert I who adopted a more discreet and less self-willed stance when it came to Congo.
  • Republic of Congo Independence

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    First Republic

    1960-1965 known as the First Republic led by Kasavubu.
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    Mobutu's Second Republic

    1965-1997 Mobutu was in power.