Birth of Israeli state
After the British left Palestine, Jewish leaders such as David Ben-Gurion, declared the birth of the democratice State of Israel. Ben later became Israel's first prime minister. Though, Arab countries were not happy with this new state. Which led them to laich the first Arab-Israeli war that lasted from May to December. -
Attack on Egypt
Britain, France, and Israel lauched a coordinated attack on Egypt. The attack ended with a defeat on Egyptian Forces. The U.S. did not support this action. They pressure Britain, France, and Israel to withdrawl. -
War in 1967 (day and month not specified)
Egypt demaned that the UN remove its tropps from Gaza and the Sinai Peninsula. Egypt them prepared for the war by closing off the Gulf of Aqaba, which was Israel's route to the red sea. Israel lauched thier first air strikes against Eygpt, Syria, and Jordan. -
Eygpt and Syria's suprise attack (day and month not specified)
Egypt and Syria launched the Yom Kippur War in determination to win their territory from Israel. The name of the war takes its name from the Jewish holy day when the attack began. -
Intifada (day and month not specified)
Was the violent uprising by Palestinians against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Youthful Palestinians battled the Israeli troops in the streets. Israeli responded with strong military and police resistance. -
Armed conflict continues
A massive amount of tension grew when Hamas, terrorist organization, won control over Palestinian Parliment. Israel then launched air strikes and fround offensives in Gaza and southern Lebanon to root out extremists and secure its borders. Till today there is still conflict between Palestinians and Israel.