Wh arab israeli conflict

Conflict In Israel

  • Creation Of Israel

    Creation Of Israel
    David Ben-Gurion had declared the creation of a democratic state called Israel on May 14, 1948. It was to be a country split with Palestine, but the Arabs had rejected the idea. Ben-Gurion had later become the first Prime Minister of Israel.
  • The First Arab-Israeli War

    The First Arab-Israeli War
    The day after Israel had declared independence, armies from Arab countries had launched an attack creating the first Arab-Israeli war. The war had lasted fro May to December of 1948, and the Arab armies had been soundly defeated.
  • Israel Growth

    Israel Growth
    Over time, Israel gained more control over the Palestine state, leaving them with less and less of their country. Soon, it came down to the Arabs barely having any land, like the Israelis when they had first moved to Palestine.
  • The Suez Crisis

    The Suez Crisis
    Nasser had become an important figure in the Arab world after confronting Britain, France and Israel over the Suez Canal. Once Britain and the United States denied funds for the Nile River dam, Nasser became enraged and decided to nationalize the Suez Canal that had been owned by an international company controlled by Britain and France.
  • The Arab-Israeli Conflict

    The Arab-Israeli Conflict
    In 1967, Egypt had closed off Israel's route to the Red Sea, making Israel believe there would be a large scale attack from the Arabs. Thinking this, the Israelis decided to attack first with air strikes destroying all Arab planes on the ground. After the air strikes, they released their troops on ground and had finished the war.