First Arab-Israeli War
Jews hoped to gain control over territory allotted to them. Israeli declared independence and Arabs joined forces with Palestinian Arabs and attacked former Palestinian mandate. -
First Arab-Israeli War
Jews hoped to gain control over territory allotted to them.Israel declared independence Arabs joined with Palenstine Arabs and attacked former Palestinian mandate. -
Arab-Israeli War
Israel and Arabs have been fighting over Gaza on and off for decades, Egypt began to close off the Gulf of Aqaba, Israelis route to the Red Sea.Israel expecting a large attack , decided to strike first. -
Arab-Israel Conflict
Israel and Arabs have been fighting over Gaza off and on for decade.Egypt blocked off the Gulf of Aqaba , Israel's route to the Red Sea. -
Six Day War
Israel launched and air attack on Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, destroying most of their on the found air planes -
Six Day War
Israel lanuched air attacks on Egypt, Syria, Jordan, destroying most of their air planes on the ground, Israels tropps then moved in rapidly defeated the Arab troops, Known as the Six Day War. -
Wars in Iraq
Iraq attacked Iran because of border disputes and because Iran's new government called for a revolution among Iraq's Shiite population. After years 1988 Iran and Iraq agreed to a cease-fire. 500,000 dead on both sides. -
Wars in Iraq
Iraq attacked Iran because of border disputes and Iran's new government called for a revolution among Iraq's Shitte Population. Lost over 500,000 on both sides . -
Persian Gulf War - Iraq War
Saddam Hussein continued to build up Iraq's military even though its the biggest Arab army. 1990 Iraq accused neighbor Kuwait of drilling into an Iraqi oil field and stealing oil , Iraq used this excuse to invade Kuwait. Leaving the U.S. to be suspicious about Hussein leading the U.S. to invade Iraq and put Hussein out of power. -
Persian Gulf War- Iraq War
Iraq building up its military, accused Kuwait of drilling inot an Iraqi oil field and stealing oil, used this excuse to invade Kuwait. U.S. led a coalition invaded Iraq, feeling that Hussein was a threat to the U.S., quickly forcing Hussein out of power.