
Conflict in Israel

  • British withdraw from Palestine

    British withdraw from Palestine
    The British officially withdraw from Palestine, and the Jewish National Council proclaims the State of Israel. Neighboring Arab nations, which rejected the partition of Palestine, immediately invade, intent on crushing the newly declared State of Israel. The conflict is known as Israel's War of Independence. Fighting continues with sporadic truces into 1949. During the cease-fires, both sides organize their militaries and stock up on weapons.
  • Israeli's govt. admitted to UN

    Israeli's govt. admitted to UN
    Israel's government, with Chaim Weizmann as president and David Ben-Gurion as prime minister, is admitted to the UN.
  • Egypt takes control of Suez Canal.

    Egypt takes control of Suez Canal.
    On July 26, 1956, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser announced the nationalization of the Suez Canal Company, the joint British-French enterprise which had owned and operated the Suez Canal since its construction in 1869.
  • Arab-Israeli War of 1967 begins

    Arab-Israeli War of 1967 begins
    The Arab-Israeli War of 1967 begins as Israel launches an air attack on Egypt, Jordan, and Syria in response to the request by Egyptian president Nasser that the UN withdraw its forces from Egyptian territory and the buildup of Arab armies along Israel's borders. After 6 days, a cease-fire is declared and Israel occupies the Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip and West Bank.
  • Israelis seek peace

    Israelis seek peace
    Labor Party leader Ehud Barak is elected prime minister and announces plans to pursue peace with the Palestinians, establish relations with Syria, and end the war in southern Lebanon with Hezbollah guerrillas.