Conflict in Egypt

  • Demonstrations against Mubarak

    The egyptians make demonstrations all around the country against the 30 years government of Hosni Mubarak. Lots of people died when Mubarak and his supporters tried to extinguish the protests.
  • Mubarak resigns

    Mubarak dismisses, and the army take control of the country.
    The army disolves the parliament and cancels the Constitution.
    Those were the 2 main demands of the demonstration.
  • Elections in Egypt

    In Egypt take place parlamentary elections, in the Lower House the Muslim Brotherhood get almost the half of the seat and the ultraconservative obtain a quarter of the seats.
    In the Second Chamber the Muslim monopolise the elections getting the 90% of the seats.
  • Presidential elections

    In egypt are elections in order to choose a new president, in the first round there are 13 candidates.
    After counting the votes Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood and Ahmed Shafiq the last Prime Minister of Mubarak are the ones that get more votes.
    They'll face in a second round.
  • Dissolution of the low House

    The Supreme Constitutional Court orders the dissolution of the Low House in Egypt.
  • Second round of the Presidential elections

    In the second round of the Presidential elections, the Egyptians vote and the final result is for Morsi with 51,7% of the votes.
  • Morsi takes possession of the position

    After winnin the elections the 16th of June, the elected President Mohamed Morsi takes possession of its new position as the Egyptian President.
  • Conflicts in the Parliament

    Some members of the liberal party and some representatives of the Egyptian churches leave the assembly of 100 members that is in charge of writting up the new constitution, protesting for the intention of the Muslims to imposing its ideas.
  • Morsis's changes

    Morsi allows himself to take any decision without being judicially revised.
    He forbids the courts to dissolve the constituent assembly and the second chamber.
    Those decisions caused many demonstrations during some days.
  • New constitution?

    The muslim in the constituent assembly end a draft of the new constitution. The president Morsi chooses the 15th of December for the referendum.
  • Demonstrations against the constitution

    More the 100.000 of demonstrators go to the presidential palace in order to claim the cancel of the referendum and the writting up of a new one.
    On the following day the Muslim attack a sit-in against Morsi, that started a fight in which more than 10 people dead.
  • New Constitution

    The egyptians approve the new constitution with the 63,8% of the votes. Not too many people took part in the referendum.
  • More demonstrations against Morsi

    Lots of demonstrators get into the streets to protest against the government of Morsi in the day which reached the second anniversary of Mubarak's riots.
    These demonstrations caused some fights between the citizens.
  • Demonstrations all around the country

    Demonstrations in Port Said and other places take place during weeks, while lots of people are dying thanks to these fights.
  • Muslim attacks

    A group of Muslim attack a Catholic church during a funeral.
    Papa Tawadros II said that these happened thanks to Morsi that didn't protected the church.
  • Meeting with Morsi

    Some US senators meet with Morsi in a not announced place in order to solve the conflict that takes part in Egypt.
  • The demonstrations continue

    Millions of people around Egypt get into the streets to demand the dismiss of Morsi in his first anniversary as the egyptian president.
    8 people dead in some facings in the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood
  • The army takes part in the conflict

    Taking in account the big demonstrations the army gives the president and the opposition 48 hours to accord some solutions to solve the conflict in the country.
  • Morsi is overthrowed

    The army leader announce that Morsi will be no more the president of Egypt and he will be replaced by Adly Mansour. They also confirm that in a year will be organized new elections.
    The members of the Muslim Brotherhood are persecuted and incarcerated.
  • Adly Mansour is named new president

    Adly Mansour is named as temproary president in order to normalise the situation of the country.
  • Second Chamber dissolution

    Adly Mansour orders the dissolution of the second chamber, that was directed in a huge part for the Muslim Brotherhood, and he presents a plan to improve the situation of the country and the possibility of elections in February, 2014.
  • Conflict between Morsi's supporters or detractors

    The egyptian atmy shots against some demonstrators that are Morsi supporters and in these fight 50 people dead.
    Both parts blame that the other one started the fight.
  • New Prime Minister

    Mansour designs the economist Hazem el-Beblawi as the Primer Minister, and the leader of the oppositors vicepresident.
    These namings are supported by the army.
  • The end of terrorism?

    Lots of people get into the streets called for the army leader in order to stop the terrorism of the Morsi supporters, and he also informs that Morsi is being investigated for multiple crimes.
  • Attacks against Morsi supporters

    The security forces and some camouflaged people attack in some sit-in of Morsi supporters. Almost 80 people dead.
  • Not in agreement

    The president announce that the conversations between the temporal government and the Muslim Brotherhood had failed.
  • The army tries to close the camps

    The army tries to close the camps in which Morsi's supporters are living on.
  • Giving more time

    The army allow the Morsi supporters to leave in more time, because they don't want to spill blood in the evacuation of these supporters.
  • Fights with Morsi supporters.

    The security forces helped by army vehicles try to dissolve Morsi's supporters camps while the supporters fight along the streets messing with police stations, curchs...
    The government declar the state of emergency during 1 month.