Maple leaf

Confederation Timeline

  • Lord Durham's Report Issued

    Lord Durham's Report Issued
    On his voyage back to England, Lord Durham issues that it would be in its best interest to join Upper and Lower Canada together.
  • Lord Sydenham declares Act of Union

    Lord Sydenham declares Act of Union
    Once Lord Durham sends his report, England works to join the two Canada's together with the Act of Union.
  • Lord Elgin set out new government

    Lord Elgin set out new government
    Britain appointed James Bruce, Lord Elgin, as Canada's govenor general to set out a new responsible government for Canada. His job was to make Canada semi-independant and give democracy to the people enough to avoid a revolution.
  • Corn laws repealed

    Corn laws repealed
    England repeals corn laws which allowed Britian to buy from any source at the lowest price. This drove the North American colonies in economic depression.
  • Nova Scotia becomes a responsible government

    Nova Scotia becomes a responsible government
    Already having responsible government, they thought that if they joined the confederation, they would be considered less equal, rather than being a bigger part. As a responsible government, Nova Scotia felt somewhat independant and self-sufficient.
  • Lord Elgin signs Rebellion Losses Bill

    Lord Elgin signs Rebellion Losses Bill
    After the rebellions in 1837, Lord Elgin signs the Rebellion Losses Bill, which uses tax money to compensate for those who had lost or damaged property from the rebellions. This lead to small rebellions in Montreal.
  • New Brunswick becomes responsible government

    New Brunswick becomes responsible government
    Already having respoonsible government, they thought that if they joined the confederation, they would be considered less equal, rather than being a bigger part. As a responsible government, New Brunswick felt somewhat independant and self-sufficient.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    From 1861 to 1865, America has a civil war. At the end, the threat of the "victorious north" and its Manifest Destiny (the American thought that America should control all of North America) rose the concern for an invasion.
  • First confederation conference

    First confederation conference
    The first confederation conference is held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. The Great Coaliation of MacDonald, Brown and Cartier, tried to convince Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.
  • Reciprocity Treaty ends

    Reciprocity Treaty ends
    America ends reciprocity treaty with Canada which denies free trade between the two. This further drowns Canada's economy and promotes the Confederation.
  • Fenian raids against British colonies

    Fenian raids against British colonies
    Irish organization known as the Fenians raid and capture Fort Erie in Canada West, convincing Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and many other colonists that American threats are highly plausible.
  • Canada becomes a confederation!

    Canada becomes a confederation!
    On July 1st, 1867, people cheer as 3 British colonies turn into 4 Canadian provinces, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Plans for having Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, and British Columbia were in planning.