Canadian flag

Confederation Timeline

  • Colonial Advocate Begins

    Colonial Advocate Begins
    Mackenzie published the first issue of his newspaper called the Colonial Advocate. In his paper, he revealed private information about the Family Compact. This outraged the Family Compact. The company was destroyed because of it, but that just encouraged Mackenzie to do more.
  • Period: to

    Timespan Of the Events Involving Confederation

  • Ninety-Two Resolutions

    Ninety-Two Resolutions
    Papineau wrote the Ninety-Two Resolutions along with other reformers to the government. These resolutions were demands for major changes in the Colonial Office. He wanted an American Style Government
  • Lower Canada Leader

    Lower Canada Leader
    Louis-Joseph Papineau, part of Lower Canada, led the battle against the Assembly. Louis was a leader of the Parti Rouge in Canada East, and he despised the Act Of Union
  • William Lyon Mackenzie

    William Lyon Mackenzie
    William Lyon Mackenzie led the revolt of Upper Canada. Mackenzie criticized the Family Compact because of their attitudes and ways of life.
  • Lord Durham

    Lord Durham
    Lord Durham was named governor general after John Colborne. Colborne was the interim governor since Lord Gosford had resigned. Lord Durham recommended that the governments of the colonies should be chosen by the people's elected representatives.
  • Given The Responsibility

    Given The Responsibility
    Lord Durham was given the resposibility of studying the causes of the rebellions and figuring out ways to resolve them.
  • Durham Report

    Durham Report
    The Durham Report consisted of the urge for the union of Upper and Lower Canada and resposible government. It also urged to make French Canadians feel welcome.
  • Lord Elgin

    Lord Elgin
    Lord Elgin was appointed as governor general of Canada. Elgin was the son-in-law of Lord Durham, so they shared ideas for reform. Elgin's main job was to make responsible government a reality.
  • Rebellion Losses Bill

    Rebellion Losses Bill
    Lord Elgin presented the Rebellion Losses Bill, which was a bill proposed to use tax money to compensate anyone in Canada who lost their property through the Rebellions. This caused deep feelings of resentment and anger at those who had taken part in the fighting.
  • Charlottetown Conference

    Charlottetown Conference
    The Charlottetown Conference involved the discussions regarding the Union of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Politicians from the province of Canada appeared and got involved in the meeting, talking about a greater union. Resulting from this meeting, there was a positive outcome of the idea of union. The agreed to meet again in Quebec again later.
  • Quebec Conference

    Quebec Conference
    The Quebec Conference involved the discussions of how Union would work, regarding dividing powers and responsibilities. The duration of the conference was approximately three weeks, and the decisions made were called the Quebec Resolutions. Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland did not join in Confederationat this time.
  • John A. Macdonald

    John A. Macdonald
    John A. Macdonald was a very important person in the forming of Canada. He fully believed in Confederation and gave a speech:
    "The scheme (confederation) as a whole has met with almost universal approval"
  • London Conference

    London Conference
    This Conference involved the leaders from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the province of Canada. They took a rough draft of the Quebec Resolutions to London, England. Agreement was granted from Queen Victoria.
  • British North American Act

    British North American Act
    The final agreement in the London Conference was called the British North American Act. It was passed by British Parliament with the union date planned for July 1, 1867
  • New Brunswick

    New Brunswick
    ~Was one of the first four provinces to join
    ~Afraid U.S would take over
    ~Would help the economy
    (provied a larger market for goods through railroad)
  • Nova Scotia

    Nova Scotia
    ~ Was one of the first four provinces to join
    ~Charles Tupper (the leader of Nova Scotia) decided it was the best choice
  • Ontario

    ~Was one of the first Four provinces to join confederation
    ~Believed a closer connection to other colonys would create a stronger economy
    ~Believed this would create a stonger more stable government
    ~Canada said they would give financial help
  • Quebec

    ~Was one of the first four provinces to join confederation
    ~Quebec had the same thoughts and beliefes as Ontario as they were very close
  • Manitoba

    ~was the 5th province to join
    ~Ruperts land was bought
    (was part of Ruperts land)
    ~Metis were afraid they would lose their rights, and decided having their own government would be easiest
  • Northwest territories

    Northwest territories
    ~Was the 1st territory to join confederation
    ~Was originally Ruperts land
    ~Was bought by Canada
  • British Columbia

    British Columbia
    ~Was the 6th province
    ~Afraid the U.S would take over
    ~Needed financial help
    (rapid population growth, gold rush left them in a depression)
    ~Government would extend the railroad into B.C
  • A New Life

    A New Life
    John A. Macdonald introduced many things to his people through his national policy such as protective tariffs, a railway travelling to different continents, and immigration to the west. The railway hired many underpaid chinese labourers and was a great success in Canada. It was way faster and cheaper than by foot or carriage.
  • Yukon

    ~Was the 2nd teritory to join confederaton
    ~There had been a rapid populatin growth with the gold rush they needed support
    ~Afraid that the U.S might take over
  • Alberta

    ~Joined the same day as Saskatchewan, were the 8th and 9th provinces to join
    ~had a rapid population growth, needed more money to support the population
    ~Leader Fredrick Haulton decided that having the same government as the other provinces they could collect taxes to help bulid roads, schools etc.
  • Saskatchewan

    ~joined the same dday as Alberta they wer the 8th & 9th provinces to join confederation
    ~Populetio begain to grow as more oppertunities were being opened up
    ~The economey was changing
    ~They thought that they deserved the same governement as Ontario and Quebec had
    ~As population was growing thery needed more things like better roads, and schools etc. they thought if they were a province they would be able to collect taxes to help pay for these things
  • Newfoundland

    ~Was the 10th province to join
    ~Britain was giving less support than needed
    ~Canada would pay for roads and colony development
    ~Joey Smallwood helped convince people to vote for Canada
  • Nunavut

    ~Was the 3rd and last province to join the confederation
    ~Canada made some negotiations