Rebellions of Upper Canada and Lower Canada
The people in Upper Canada were rebelling because there was discontent with the current colonial government. In Lower Canada they were rebelling because the French didn't want to lose their culture. -
Lord Durhams report is issued
Durhams union proposal was accepted by the British goverment and by his successor Lord Sydenham. It recommended that upper and lower Canada be joined together and given responsible government. It also recommended that all the colonies of Britsh North America be brought together. -
United Province of Canada
The United Province of Canada was formed. Lord Durhams union propasal was accepted by the British goverment and by his successor as govener Lord Sydenham. They became the province of Canada with Montreal as its capital. -
Lord Elgin signs the rebellions losses bill
He signs the bill that provides everyone including the rebels get composation and he had to sign this because it was the first sign of responsible goverment. -
Reciprocity treaty is signed
The reciprocity treaty is signed with the United States. From 1867-1911, the liberal party of Canada favoured the resiprocity. After winning the 1896 election, Laurier did not renew free trade because the United States refused to dicuss the issue. -
Capital of Canada
Locating the seat of goverment in Canada was a 17 year process. Canadian politicians asked the Queen 3 times since 1840 to choose the location of the capital. Queen Victoria signed for Ottawa to become the capitial of Canada. -
Charlottown conferences take place
Established the ground work for confederation. It was already a dicussion regarding a Maritime union. Poloticians from the province of Canada showed up and asked to join their meeting and talked about a greater union. The deligates from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and P.E.I gave a positive anwser to the Canadian deligation and agreed to meet again in Quebec to see if they could work out terms of a union. -
Quebec Conference
More discussions of how Union would work (dividing powers and responsibilities). Lasted nearly three weeks. Decisions they came to were called the Quebec resolutions. PEI emereged dissappointed and backe dout of confederation. -
London Conference is held
Leaders from New Brunswick, Nova Soctia, and the Province of Canada took the rough draft of the Qebec Resolutions to London England and settles on a final agreement which was given "Royal Assent" ( permission from Queen Victoria) They presented the 72 resolutions and asked permission to become their own country, Queen Victoria said yes. -
Canada becomes a dominian
The queen of England set this date as the day Canada becomes its own seperate country from Britian. -
Ontario, Quebec , Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
On July 1st, 1867 Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick were the first 4 provinces to join confederation. -
Manitoba and NorthWest Territories
Manitoba joined confederation because they would have the back up and support of the federal government. The federal government gave them money so that they could live and support the province.
Northwest Territories joined because the Hudsons Bay Company transfered Ruperts Land and North Western Territory to the British Crown. -
British Columbia
British Columbia joined Confederation because fear of annextation to the United States the overwhelming debt created by rapid population growth and the Canadian goverment made and agreement saying they would extend the Canadian Pacific Railway to British Columbia and would also take care of the countries debt. The Fraser River gold rush in 1858 brought many new settlers to B.C.These people wanted their own provincial government instead of being
led by a government appointed by Britain. -
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island joined Confederation. Canada became afraid the island would join the United States, so the Canadian goverment invited PEI to join cofederation. -
Canadian Railway
The Canadian Pacific Railway is incorporated. It is incorporated to link Canadas populated centers with the vast potential of its relietively unpopulated west. -
First provincial premier's conference
The first provincial premier’s conference is held in Quebec City. -
After gold was discovered in the area, Canada sent in the North West Mounted Police to show they controlled the area. The population grew rapidly. The Klondike gold rush attracted many Americans and people feared the United States would take over the area if they did not join. -
Alberta and Saskatchewan
Alberta and Saskatchewan joined confederation because the population had grown and the territories were no longer just a fur trade area. The region featured farming, logging, mining, and the railway. The leader Frederick Haultain felt that they should have the same government as the other provinces, and be able to collect taxes to pay for schools and other services the growing population needed. -
Women's votes
Women are granted the right to vote. -
Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland and Labrador joined Confederation. The people were divided: many wanted to remain a colony of Britain. Britain did not want to help support Newfoundland anymore. Canada offered to help pay for roads and develop the colony. -
Nunavut joined Confederation. The Inuit people wanted control over their own lands and resources in
the Arctic. Without consulting them, decisions had been made about Confederation and the use of their lands. They negotiated to regain control of their land as a territory joined to Canada.