Confederation of Canada

  • Period: to

    canadian confederation

  • Rebelions in lower canada

    -Rebelions were led by Louis Joseph Papineau.
    -Rebelions were made up of the french canadian lower and middle class of lower canada.
  • lord durham's report

    lord durham's report
    sent in 1837 to report on the rebellions, his report led to fundamental changes in the colonial relations and contribute to the constitutional development that led to the founding of the country of canada.
  • Act of Union

    Act of British Parliament passed on July 1840 and proclaimed on February 10 1841 combining upper and lower canada to one government.
  • Rebellions loss bill

    Rebellions loss bill
    -Lord Elgin signs the Rebellion loss bill.
    -Colony of Vancouver Island is created
  • Reciprocity

    Reciprocity treaty is signed with the USA
  • Confederation

    The Colony of British Columbia was created.
  • Conferences

    Great coalition is formed.
    Charlottetown conference takes place .
    Quebec conference is held.
  • American

    The american civil war has ended.
  • confederation

    the london conference is held.
  • Big year for Canada

    Ontario , Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick all join cofenderation
    Canada becomes a dominion
  • Confedertion

    Manitoba joins Canada.
  • Territiories

    The Northwest Territories entered the Canadian Confederation in 1870
  • Confederation

    British Columbia joins Canada .
  • Confederation

    Prince Edward Island joins Canada
  • Teritories

    Yukon became a part of Canadas territoies
  • Another province joins

    Alberta joins Canada
  • Confederation

    Saskatchewan joins Canada
  • Confederation

    Newfoundland and Labrador join Canada
  • territories

    Nunavut joins Canadas confederation.