War of 1812
The War of 1812 was a military conflict fought between the United States of America and those of the British Empire. The Americans declared war in 1812 for several reasons, including trade restrictions due to Britain's ongoing war with FranceOn June 18th 1812 came a declaration of war against Great Britain. -
John A Macdonald was born
John A Macdonald was a very important figure in Conferderation and served 19 years as Canadian Primeminister -
George Brown was born
29 Nov 1818
Peter Brown and Isabella Mackenzie gave birth to George Brown , another important figure in Confederation -
First Election After Act of Union
25 Mar 1841
The new constitution for United Canada came into effect and the election begun. Upper Canada was changed to Canada west// western Canada and Lower Canada was known as East Canada/ Eastern Canada. English became the official language of the legislature and Kingston was chosen as capital. -
The beginnning of pol;itical deadlock
Political deadlock occured frequently in the legislative assembly. Political deadlock is the term used when the different parties have complete balance of power therefore can't make any decisions. This political deadlock ended in 1864 when John McDonald offerd to join forces with George Brown,his enemy, or any other party, in order to help his home and get decisions made. -
Ottawa is the new capital of Canada
Ottawa was chosen as the capital of Canada
1 Jul 1857 Queen Victoria chose Ottawa as the capital of Canada because it was the only land big enough to settle on and it was near Quebec and OntariovvvvvOttawa was chosen as the capital of Canada
1 Jul 1857
Queen Victoria chose Ottawa as the capital of Canada because it was conviently located, on the border of Quebec and Ontario and big enough to hold the capital. -
BNA act
The British North America act is the official birth of Canada/ when canada became a country.