
  • 1837 Rebellions

    1837 Rebellions
    -In Upper Canada their was a rebellion led by William Lyon MacKenzie because they were dissatisfied with the Family Compact.
    -In lower Canada a battle was being waged between the Assembly by the Patriot Party led by Louis-Joseph Papineau.
  • Period: to


  • Act of union

    Act of union
    -Lord Durham was appointed to study the problems in upper and Lower Canada
    -Durham recommend a union between Upper and Lower Canada
    -English became the offical language
  • The Charrlettown Conference

    The Charrlettown Conference
    -Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island were thinking about a maritime union
    -began discussing the union
  • The Quebec Conference

    The Quebec Conference
    -second conference leading to creation of dominion of Canada
  • London Confernce

    London Confernce
    -finalizing the terms of confederation
    -The London Conference proceeded in two stages First in December of 1866
    -final draft delivered to the Colonial Office on Christmas Day 1866
    -New Brunswick Nova Scotia Onatario Prince Edward Island Quebec formed Canada
  • North-west Territiories joins Confederation

    North-west Territiories joins Confederation
    -In 1870 Ruperts Land and the North-Western Territory were bought by Canada, and the whole area was renamed the Northwest Territories
    -Northwest Territiories covered more of Canada until Nunavut was made
  • British Coloumbia Joins confederation

    British Coloumbia Joins confederation
    -rich in resources but low in population
    -financial problems after the gold rush
    -finally joined confederation becoming the sixth province
  • Manitoba joins confederation

    Manitoba joins confederation
    -Manitoba was brought into Confederation through the Manitoba act of 1879.
    -French people wanted to have Manitoba as a province.
  • Yukon joins confederation

    Yukon joins confederation
    -joined confederation during gold rush
    -Yukon Territory was home to the earliest people of North America
    -was highly populated during gold
    -after gold rush many people moved away
  • Alberta & Saskatchewan join Confederation

    Alberta & Saskatchewan join Confederation
    -They joined in 1905
    -were smaller then thay are today
    -Until 1905 all the area west and north of Manitoba was called the Northwest Territiories.
  • Newfoundland joins confederation

    Newfoundland joins confederation
    -Tenth province
    -economic problems in 1890s gave confederation some appeal but not enough to join at that time
  • Nunavut joins Confederation

    Nunavut joins Confederation
    -Nunavut was formed from part of the Northwest Territories
    -In the 1970s the Indians started talking to the Canadian government about creating a territory called Nunavut
    - Paul Okalik was the first premier of Nunavut